SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Temperature Lapse Rates

This tool selects daily temperature lapse rates for minimum and maximum temperatures from hourly lapse rates by selecting the time at which minimum or maximum temperatures occurred and then returns the respective lapse rate.


InputAtmospheric Lapse Ratesgrid list, inputTEMPgrid stack of hourly atmospheric lapse rates-
Surface Temperaturegrid list, inputTGROUND--
OutputTemperature Lapse Rate at Extremegrid, outputLAPSE--
Daily Extreme Temperaturegrid, outputTEXTREME--
Hour of Daily Extreme Temperature (*)grid, output, optionalTIME--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Temperature extremechoiceEXTREME-Available Choices:
[0] minimum
[1] maximum
Default: 1
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 26 [-TEMP <str>] [-TGROUND <str>] [-LAPSE <str>] [-TEXTREME <str>] [-TIME <str>] [-EXTREME <str>]
  -TEMP:<str>    	Atmospheric Lapse Rates
	grid list, input
  -TGROUND:<str> 	Surface Temperature
	grid list, input
  -LAPSE:<str>   	Temperature Lapse Rate at Extreme
	grid, output
  -TEXTREME:<str>	Daily Extreme Temperature
	grid, output
  -TIME:<str>    	Hour of Daily Extreme Temperature
	grid, output, optional
  -EXTREME:<str> 	Temperature extreme
	Available Choices:
	[0] minimum
	[1] maximum
	Default: 1