SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Daily Solar Radiation

This tool calculates the daily solar radiation (Rg) based on the date and the latitudinal position for incoming top of atmosphere radiation (R0) estimation and the sunshine duration (Sd) provided as percentage of its potential maximum (S0). It uses a simple empiric formula:
Rg = R0 * (0.19 + 0.55 * Sd/S0)


InputLatitudegrid, inputLATITUDE[Degree]-
OutputSolar Radiationgrid, outputSOLARRAD[J/cm²]-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
MonthchoiceMONTH-Available Choices:
[0] January
[1] February
[2] March
[3] April
[4] May
[5] June
[6] July
[7] August
[8] September
[9] October
[10] November
[11] December
Default: 9
Day of Monthinteger numberDAY-Minimum: 1
Maximum: 31
Default: 6
Sunshine Durationfloating point numberSUNSHINEDaily sunshine duration as percentage of its potential maximum.Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 50.000000


Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 31 [-LATITUDE <str>] [-SOLARRAD <str>] [-MONTH <str>] [-DAY <num>] [-SUNSHINE <double>]
  -LATITUDE:<str>   	Latitude
	grid, input
  -SOLARRAD:<str>   	Solar Radiation
	grid, output
  -MONTH:<str>      	Month
	Available Choices:
	[0] January
	[1] February
	[2] March
	[3] April
	[4] May
	[5] June
	[6] July
	[7] August
	[8] September
	[9] October
	[10] November
	[11] December
	Default: 9
  -DAY:<num>        	Day of Month
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Maximum: 31
	Default: 6
  -SUNSHINE:<double>	Sunshine Duration
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 100.000000
	Default: 50.000000