Derive soil texture classes from sand, silt and clay contents. Currently supported schemes are USDA and German Kartieranleitung 5.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Table | table, input | TABLE | - | - |
Output | Scheme as Polygons (*) | shapes, output, optional | POLYGONS | - | - |
Options | Sand (*) | table field | SAND | sand content given as percentage | - |
Silt (*) | table field | SILT | silt content given as percentage | - |
Clay (*) | table field | CLAY | clay content given as percentage | - |
Texture (*) | table field | TEXTURE | soil texture | - |
Classification | choice | SCHEME | - | Available Choices: [0] USDA [1] Germany KA5 [2] Belgium/France [3] user defined Default: 0 |
Default Colour Scheme | choice | COLORS | - | Available Choices: [0] Scheme 1 [1] Scheme 2 [2] Scheme 3 Default: 0 |
User Definition | static table | USER | The colour is defined as comma separated red, green and blue values (in the range 0 to 255). If the colour field is empty it will be generated from the chosen default colour scheme. Key and name are simple text labels specifying each class. The polygon is defined as pairs of sand (=x) and clay (=y) separated by a blank and separated from the next pair by a comma. | 4 Fields: - 1. [string] COLOR - 2. [string] KEY - 3. [string] NAME - 4. [string] POLYGON
X/Y Axes | choice | XY_AXES | - | Available Choices: [0] Sand and Clay [1] Sand and Silt [2] Silt and Sand [3] Silt and Clay [4] Clay and Sand [5] Clay and Silt Default: 3 |
Triangle | choice | TRIANGLE | - | Available Choices: [0] right-angled [1] isosceles Default: 1 |
(*) optional |