SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Object Enumeration

The 'Object Enumeration' tool to identifies objects as connected cells taking all no-data cells (or those cells having a specified value) as potential boundary cells surrounding each object.


InputGridgrid, inputGRID--
OutputObjectsgrid, outputOBJECTS--
Summarytable, outputSUMMARY--
Extents (*)shapes, output, optionalEXTENTS--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
NeighbourhoodchoiceNEIGHBOURHOOD-Available Choices:
[0] Neumann
[1] Moore
Default: 0
Boundary CellschoiceBOUNDARY_CELLS-Available Choices:
[0] no data
[1] value
Default: 0
Valuefloating point numberBOUNDARY_VALUE-Default: 0.000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 30 [-GRID <str>] [-OBJECTS <str>] [-SUMMARY <str>] [-EXTENTS <str>] [-NEIGHBOURHOOD <str>] [-BOUNDARY_CELLS <str>] [-BOUNDARY_VALUE <double>]
  -GRID:<str>             	Grid
	grid, input
  -OBJECTS:<str>          	Objects
	grid, output
  -SUMMARY:<str>          	Summary
	table, output
  -EXTENTS:<str>          	Extents
	shapes, output, optional
  -NEIGHBOURHOOD:<str>    	Neighbourhood
	Available Choices:
	[0] Neumann
	[1] Moore
	Default: 0
  -BOUNDARY_CELLS:<str>   	Boundary Cells
	Available Choices:
	[0] no data
	[1] value
	Default: 0
  -BOUNDARY_VALUE:<double>	Value
	floating point number
	Default: 0.000000