Tool Simple Filter (Restricted to Polygons)
Simple standard filters for grids, evaluation within polygons.
- Author: Johan Van de Wauw (c) 2015
- Menu: Grid|Filter
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Grid | grid, input | INPUT | - | - |
Polygons | shapes, input | SHAPES | The filter will only operate on cells that belong to the same polygon or to none if skip outside option is off. | - |
Output | Filtered Grid (*) | grid, output, optional | RESULT | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Filter | choice | METHOD | Choose the filter method. | Available Choices: [0] Smooth [1] Sharpen [2] Edge Default: 0 |
Skip Outside Cells | boolean | SKIP_OUTSIDE | Process only cells that are covered by a polygon. | Default: 0 |
Kernel Type | choice | KERNEL_TYPE | The kernel's shape. | Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle Default: 1 |
Radius | integer number | KERNEL_RADIUS | cells | Minimum: 0 Default: 2 |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 18 [-INPUT <str>] [-RESULT <str>] [-SHAPES <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-SKIP_OUTSIDE <str>] [-KERNEL_TYPE <str>] [-KERNEL_RADIUS <num>]
-INPUT:<str> Grid
grid, input
-RESULT:<str> Filtered Grid
grid, output, optional
-SHAPES:<str> Polygons
shapes, input
-METHOD:<str> Filter
Available Choices:
[0] Smooth
[1] Sharpen
[2] Edge
Default: 0
-SKIP_OUTSIDE:<str> Skip Outside Cells
Default: 0
-KERNEL_TYPE:<str> Kernel Type
Available Choices:
[0] Square
[1] Circle
Default: 1
-KERNEL_RADIUS:<num> Radius
integer number
Minimum: 0
Default: 2