SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Aggregate

Resamples a raster layer to a lower resolution, aggregatingthe values of a group of cells. This should be used in any case in which a normalresampling will result in wrong values in the resulting layer, such as, for instance,the number of elements of a given class in each cell.


InputGridgrid, inputINPUT--
OutputAggregated Grid (*)data object Grid, output, optionalOUTPUT--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Aggregation Sizeinteger numberSIZE-Minimum: 2
Default: 2
MethodchoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] Sum
[1] Minimum
[2] Maximum
[3] Median
[4] Mean
[5] Mode
Default: 4
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd grid_tools 1 [-INPUT <str>] [-OUTPUT <str>] [-SIZE <num>] [-METHOD <str>]
  -INPUT:<str> 	Grid
	grid, input
  -OUTPUT:<str>	Aggregated Grid
	data object Grid, output, optional
  -SIZE:<num>  	Aggregation Size
	integer number
	Minimum: 2
	Default: 2
  -METHOD:<str>	Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] Sum
	[1] Minimum
	[2] Maximum
	[3] Median
	[4] Mean
	[5] Mode
	Default: 4