SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Color Triangle Composite

Similar to 'RGB Composite', but the three colors representing intensity of each data set can be chosen by user.


InputAgrid, inputA_GRID--
Bgrid, inputB_GRID--
Cgrid, inputC_GRID--
OutputCompositegrid, outputGRID--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Value PreparationchoiceA_METHOD-Available Choices:
[0] 0 - 1
[1] Rescale to 0 - 1
[2] User defined rescale
[3] Percentiles
[4] Percentage of standard deviation
Default: 4
Rescale Rangevalue rangeA_RANGE--
Percentilesvalue rangeA_PERCTL--
Percentage of Standard Deviationfloating point numberA_PERCENT-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 150.000000
Value PreparationchoiceB_METHOD-Available Choices:
[0] 0 - 1
[1] Rescale to 0 - 1
[2] User defined rescale
[3] Percentiles
[4] Percentage of standard deviation
Default: 4
Rescale Rangevalue rangeB_RANGE--
Percentilesvalue rangeB_PERCTL--
Percentage of standard deviationfloating point numberB_PERCENT-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 150.000000
Value PreparationchoiceC_METHOD-Available Choices:
[0] 0 - 1
[1] Rescale to 0 - 1
[2] User defined rescale
[3] Percentiles
[4] Percentage of standard deviation
Default: 4
Rescale Rangevalue rangeC_RANGE--
Percentilesvalue rangeC_PERCTL--
Percentage of Standard Deviationfloating point numberC_PERCENT-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 150.000000


Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 5 [-A_GRID <str>] [-A_COLOR <str>] [-A_METHOD <str>] [-A_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-A_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-A_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-A_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-A_PERCENT <double>] [-B_GRID <str>] [-B_COLOR <str>] [-B_METHOD <str>] [-B_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-B_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-B_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-B_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-B_PERCENT <double>] [-C_GRID <str>] [-C_COLOR <str>] [-C_METHOD <str>] [-C_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-C_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-C_PERCTL_MIN <double>] [-C_PERCTL_MAX <double>] [-C_PERCENT <double>] [-GRID <str>]
  -A_GRID:<str>         	A
	grid, input
  -A_COLOR:<str>        	Color
	Default: 255
  -A_METHOD:<str>       	Value Preparation
	Available Choices:
	[0] 0 - 1
	[1] Rescale to 0 - 1
	[2] User defined rescale
	[3] Percentiles
	[4] Percentage of standard deviation
	Default: 4
  -A_RANGE_MIN:<double> 	Rescale Range
	value range
  -A_RANGE_MAX:<double> 	Rescale Range
	value range
  -A_PERCTL_MIN:<double>	Percentiles
	value range
  -A_PERCTL_MAX:<double>	Percentiles
	value range
  -A_PERCENT:<double>   	Percentage of Standard Deviation
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 150.000000
  -B_GRID:<str>         	B
	grid, input
  -B_COLOR:<str>        	Color
	Default: 65280
  -B_METHOD:<str>       	Value Preparation
	Available Choices:
	[0] 0 - 1
	[1] Rescale to 0 - 1
	[2] User defined rescale
	[3] Percentiles
	[4] Percentage of standard deviation
	Default: 4
  -B_RANGE_MIN:<double> 	Rescale Range
	value range
  -B_RANGE_MAX:<double> 	Rescale Range
	value range
  -B_PERCTL_MIN:<double>	Percentiles
	value range
  -B_PERCTL_MAX:<double>	Percentiles
	value range
  -B_PERCENT:<double>   	Percentage of standard deviation
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 150.000000
  -C_GRID:<str>         	C
	grid, input
  -C_COLOR:<str>        	Color
	Default: 16711680
  -C_METHOD:<str>       	Value Preparation
	Available Choices:
	[0] 0 - 1
	[1] Rescale to 0 - 1
	[2] User defined rescale
	[3] Percentiles
	[4] Percentage of standard deviation
	Default: 4
  -C_RANGE_MIN:<double> 	Rescale Range
	value range
  -C_RANGE_MAX:<double> 	Rescale Range
	value range
  -C_PERCTL_MIN:<double>	Percentiles
	value range
  -C_PERCTL_MAX:<double>	Percentiles
	value range
  -C_PERCENT:<double>   	Percentage of Standard Deviation
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 150.000000
  -GRID:<str>           	Composite
	grid, output