SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Create Raster Catalogue from Virtual Raster (VRT)

The tool allows one to create a polygon layer that shows the extent of each raster file referenced in the virtual raster. Each extent is attributed with the original file path, which can be used to load the dataset by 'CTRL + left-click' in the table field.

Note: the tool only supports basic variants of the VRT format.



OutputRaster Catalogueshapes, outputCATALOGUEThe polygon layer with dataset boundaries.-
OptionsVRT Filefile pathVRT_FILEThe full path and name of the .vrt input file.-


Usage: saga_cmd io_gdal 14 [-VRT_FILE <str>] [-CATALOGUE <str>]
  -VRT_FILE:<str> 	VRT File
	file path
  -CATALOGUE:<str>	Raster Catalogue
	shapes, output