SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Export WRF Geogrid Binary Format

Exports grid(s) to Weather Research and Forcasting Model (WRF) geogrid binary format.



InputGridsgrid list, inputGRIDS--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Directoryfile pathFILE--
Data TypechoiceDATATYPE-Available Choices:
[0] 1 byte unsigned
[1] 1 byte signed
[2] 2 byte unsigned
[3] 2 byte signed
[4] 4 byte unsigned
[5] 4 byte signed
Default: 0
TypechoiceTYPE-Available Choices:
[0] categorical
[1] continuous
Default: 0
Filename Digitsinteger numberNAME_DIGITS-Minimum: 5
Maximum: 6
Default: 5
Missing Valuefloating point numberMISSING-Default: -99999.000000
Scale Factorfloating point numberSCALE-Default: 1.000000
Look Up SectiontextMMINLU-Default: USGS
Halo Widthinteger numberTILE_BDR-Minimum: 0
Default: 0
ProjectionchoicePROJECTION-Available Choices:
[0] lambert
[1] polar
[2] mercator
[3] regular_ll
[4] albers_nad83
[5] polar_wgs84
Default: 3
Standard Longitudefloating point numberSDTLON-Default: 0.000000
True Latitude 1floating point numberTRUELAT1-Default: 45.000000
True Latitude 2floating point numberTRUELAT2-Default: 35.000000
Waterinteger numberISWATER-Default: 16
Lakeinteger numberISLAKE-Default: -1
Iceinteger numberISICE-Default: 24
Urbaninteger numberISURBAN-Default: 1
Soil Waterinteger numberISOILWATER-Default: 14


Usage: saga_cmd io_grid 14 [-GRIDS <str>] [-FILE <str>] [-DATATYPE <str>] [-TYPE <str>] [-NAME_DIGITS <num>] [-MISSING <double>] [-SCALE <double>] [-UNITS <str>] [-DESCRIPTION <str>] [-MMINLU <str>] [-TILE_BDR <num>] [-PROJECTION <str>] [-SDTLON <double>] [-TRUELAT1 <double>] [-TRUELAT2 <double>] [-ISWATER <num>] [-ISLAKE <num>] [-ISICE <num>] [-ISURBAN <num>] [-ISOILWATER <num>]
  -GRIDS:<str>      	Grids
	grid list, input
  -FILE:<str>       	Directory
	file path
  -DATATYPE:<str>   	Data Type
	Available Choices:
	[0] 1 byte unsigned
	[1] 1 byte signed
	[2] 2 byte unsigned
	[3] 2 byte signed
	[4] 4 byte unsigned
	[5] 4 byte signed
	Default: 0
  -TYPE:<str>       	Type
	Available Choices:
	[0] categorical
	[1] continuous
	Default: 0
  -NAME_DIGITS:<num>	Filename Digits
	integer number
	Minimum: 5
	Maximum: 6
	Default: 5
  -MISSING:<double> 	Missing Value
	floating point number
	Default: -99999.000000
  -SCALE:<double>   	Scale Factor
	floating point number
	Default: 1.000000
  -UNITS:<str>      	Units
  -DESCRIPTION:<str>	Description
  -MMINLU:<str>     	Look Up Section
	Default: USGS
  -TILE_BDR:<num>   	Halo Width
	integer number
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 0
  -PROJECTION:<str> 	Projection
	Available Choices:
	[0] lambert
	[1] polar
	[2] mercator
	[3] regular_ll
	[4] albers_nad83
	[5] polar_wgs84
	Default: 3
  -SDTLON:<double>  	Standard Longitude
	floating point number
	Default: 0.000000
  -TRUELAT1:<double>	True Latitude 1
	floating point number
	Default: 45.000000
  -TRUELAT2:<double>	True Latitude 2
	floating point number
	Default: 35.000000
  -ISWATER:<num>    	Water
	integer number
	Default: 16
  -ISLAKE:<num>     	Lake
	integer number
	Default: -1
  -ISICE:<num>      	Ice
	integer number
	Default: 24
  -ISURBAN:<num>    	Urban
	integer number
	Default: 1
  -ISOILWATER:<num> 	Soil Water
	integer number
	Default: 14