With this tool you can save a grid to an image file. Optionally, a shade grid can be overlayed using the specified transparency and brightness adjustment.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Grid | grid, input | GRID | - | - |
Shade (*) | grid, input, optional | SHADE | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Image File | file path | FILE | - | - |
Create World File | boolean | FILE_WORLD | Store georeference along image to an additional file. | Default: 1 |
Create KML File | boolean | FILE_KML | Expects that the input grid uses geographic coordinates. | Default: 0 |
Set Transparency for No-Data | boolean | NO_DATA | - | Default: 1 |
Coloring | choice | COLOURING | - | Available Choices: [0] histogram stretch to standard deviation [1] histogram stretch to percentage range [2] histogram stretch to value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0 |
Number of Colors | integer number | COL_COUNT | - | Default: 100 |
Revert Palette | boolean | COL_REVERT | - | Default: 0 |
Colors Palette | colors | COL_PALETTE | - | - |
Graduated Colors | boolean | GRADUATED | - | Default: 1 |
Standard Deviation | floating point number | STDDEV | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 |
Percentage Range | value range | LINEAR | - | - |
Value Range | value range | STRETCH | - | - |
Scaling | choice | SCALE_MODE | Scaling applied to coloring choices (i) grid's standard deviation, (ii) grid's value range, (iii) specified value range | Available Choices: [0] linear intervals [1] increasing geometrical intervals [2] decreasing geometrical intervals Default: 0 |
Geometrical Interval Factor | floating point number | SCALE_LOG | - | Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 10.000000 |
Lookup Table | static table | LUT | - | 5 Fields: - 1. [color] Color - 2. [string] Name - 3. [string] Description - 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum - 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum
Transparency | floating point number | SHADE_TRANS | The transparency of the shade [%] | Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 75.000000 |
Histogram Stretch | choice | SHADE_COLOURING | - | Available Choices: [0] Linear [1] Standard Deviation Default: 0 |
Linear | value range | SHADE_BRIGHT | Minimum and maximum [%], the range for histogram stretch. | - |
Standard Deviation | floating point number | SHADE_STDDEV | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 |
(*) optional |