Tool Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset
The tool allows one to create a virtual point cloud dataset from a set of SAGA point cloud files. For a large number of files, it is advised to use an input file list, i.e. a text file with the full path to an input point cloud on each line. If possible, you should make use of the point cloud headers files to construct the virtual dataset. This avoids that each dataset has to be loaded and thus reduces execution time enormously.
A virtual point cloud dataset is a simple XML format with the file extension .spcvf, which describes a mosaic of individual point cloud files. Such a virtual point cloud dataset can be used for seamless data access with the 'Get Subset from Virtual Point Cloud' tool.
All point cloud input datasets must share the same attribute table structure, NoData value and projection.
- Author: V. Wichmann, LASERDATA GmbH (c) 2014-9
- Menu: File|Virtual|Point Cloud
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Options | Input Files | file path | FILES | The input point cloud files to use | - |
Input File List | file path | INPUT_FILE_LIST | A text file with the full path to an input point cloud on each line | - |
Filename | file path | FILENAME | The full path and name of the .spcvf file | - |
File Paths | choice | METHOD_PATHS | Choose how to handle file paths. With relative paths, you can package the *.spcvf and your point cloud tiles easily. | Available Choices: [0] absolute [1] relative Default: 1 |
Use Header File | boolean | USE_HEADER | Check this parameter to use (only) the point cloud header file to construct the virtual dataset. | Default: 0 |
Usage: saga_cmd io_virtual 0 [-FILES <str>] [-INPUT_FILE_LIST <str>] [-FILENAME <str>] [-METHOD_PATHS <str>] [-USE_HEADER <str>]
-FILES:<str> Input Files
file path
-INPUT_FILE_LIST:<str> Input File List
file path
-FILENAME:<str> Filename
file path
-METHOD_PATHS:<str> File Paths
Available Choices:
[0] absolute
[1] relative
Default: 1
-USE_HEADER:<str> Use Header File
Default: 0