SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Create Tileshape from Virtual Point Cloud

The tool allows one to create a polygon shapefile with the bounding boxes of a virtual point cloud dataset. Additionally, the header information of the chosen virtual point cloud dataset is reported (since SPCVFDataset version 1.1).
A virtual point cloud dataset is a simple XML format with the file extension .spcvf, which can be created with the 'Create Virtual Point Cloud Dataset' tool.


OutputTileshapeshapes, outputTILE_SHPPolygon shapefile describing the bounding boxes of spcvf tiles.-
OptionsFilenamefile pathFILENAMEThe full path and name of the .spcvf file-


Usage: saga_cmd io_virtual 2 [-FILENAME <str>] [-TILE_SHP <str>]
  -FILENAME:<str>	Filename
	file path
  -TILE_SHP:<str>	Tileshape
	shapes, output