SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Point Cloud Cutter (interactive)

This tool allows one to extract subsets from one or several point cloud datasets. The area-of-interest is interactively defined either by dragging a box or by digitizing a polygon.
Best practice is to display the point cloud in a new Map View first and then execute the tool. Use the Action tool to define the AOI.


InputPointspoint cloud list, inputPOINTSOne or several input point cloud datasets to cut.-
OutputCutpoint cloud list, outputCUTThe cutted output point cloud dataset(s).-
AOI Shape (*)shapes, output, optionalAOISHAPE--
OptionsDefine AOI by ...choiceAOI-Available Choices:
[0] dragging a box
[1] digitzing a polygon
Default: 0
InversebooleanINVERSEInvert selection.Default: 0
(*) optional


this interactive tool can not be executed.