SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Split Lines with Lines

The tool allows one to split lines with lines.


InputLinesshapes, inputLINESThe input lines to split.-
Split Featuresshapes, inputSPLITThe lines with which the input lines are to be divided.-
OutputIntersectionshapes, outputINTERSECTThe splitted lines.-
OptionsOutputchoiceOUTPUTChoose the output line type, either polylines or separate lines.Available Choices:
[0] polylines
[1] separate lines
Default: 1


Usage: saga_cmd shapes_lines 6 [-LINES <str>] [-SPLIT <str>] [-INTERSECT <str>] [-OUTPUT <str>]
  -LINES:<str>    	Lines
	shapes, input
  -SPLIT:<str>    	Split Features
	shapes, input
  -INTERSECT:<str>	Intersection
	shapes, output
  -OUTPUT:<str>   	Output
	Available Choices:
	[0] polylines
	[1] separate lines
	Default: 1