SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Points Filter

Points Filter


InputPointsshapes, inputPOINTS--
OutputFiltered Points (*)shapes, output, optionalFILTER--
OptionsAttributetable fieldFIELD--
Radiusfloating point numberRADIUS-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
Minimum Number of Pointsinteger numberMINNUMonly points with given minimum number of points in search radius will be processedMinimum: 0
Default: 0
Maximum Number of Pointsinteger numberMAXNUMNumber of nearest points, which will be evaluated for filtering. Set to zero to investigate all points in search radius.Minimum: 0
Default: 0
QuadrantsbooleanQUADRANTS-Default: 0
Filter CriterionchoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] keep maxima (with tolerance)
[1] keep minima (with tolerance)
[2] remove maxima (with tolerance)
[3] remove minima (with tolerance)
[4] remove below percentile
[5] remove above percentile
Default: 0
Tolerancefloating point numberTOLERANCE-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 0.000000
Percentilefloating point numberPERCENT-Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 50.000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd shapes_points 11 [-POINTS <str>] [-FIELD <str>] [-FILTER <str>] [-RADIUS <double>] [-MINNUM <num>] [-MAXNUM <num>] [-QUADRANTS <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-TOLERANCE <double>] [-PERCENT <double>]
  -POINTS:<str>      	Points
	shapes, input
  -FIELD:<str>       	Attribute
	table field
  -FILTER:<str>      	Filtered Points
	shapes, output, optional
  -RADIUS:<double>   	Radius
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -MINNUM:<num>      	Minimum Number of Points
	integer number
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 0
  -MAXNUM:<num>      	Maximum Number of Points
	integer number
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 0
  -QUADRANTS:<str>   	Quadrants
	Default: 0
  -METHOD:<str>      	Filter Criterion
	Available Choices:
	[0] keep maxima (with tolerance)
	[1] keep minima (with tolerance)
	[2] remove maxima (with tolerance)
	[3] remove minima (with tolerance)
	[4] remove below percentile
	[5] remove above percentile
	Default: 0
  -TOLERANCE:<double>	Tolerance
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 0.000000
  -PERCENT:<double>  	Percentile
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 100.000000
	Default: 50.000000