SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Split Shapes Layer Randomly

Randomly splits one layer into to two new layers. Useful to create a control group for model testing. Optionally this can be done category-wise if a category field is specified.


InputShapesshapes, inputSHAPES--
OutputGroup Ashapes, outputA--
Group Bshapes, outputB--
OptionsCategories (*)table fieldFIELD--
Relation B / Afloating point numberPERCENT-Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 25.000000
ExactbooleanEXACT-Default: 1
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 16 [-SHAPES <str>] [-FIELD <str>] [-A <str>] [-B <str>] [-PERCENT <double>] [-EXACT <str>]
  -SHAPES:<str>    	Shapes
	shapes, input
  -FIELD:<str>     	Categories
	table field
  -A:<str>         	Group A
	shapes, output
  -B:<str>         	Group B
	shapes, output
  -PERCENT:<double>	Relation B / A
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 100.000000
	Default: 25.000000
  -EXACT:<str>     	Exact
	Default: 1