SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Convert Vertex Type (2D/3D)

The tool allows one to convert the vertex type of shapes from 'XY' (2D) to 'XYZ/M' (3D) and vice versa. The conversion from 3D to 2D is not lossless for lines and polygons, as only the Z/M value of one vertex can be retained (currently that of the last vertex).


InputInputshapes, inputINPUTThe shapefile to convert.-
OutputOutputshapes, outputOUTPUTThe converted shapefile.-
OptionsZ (*)table fieldFIELD_ZField with z-coordinate information.-
M (*)table fieldFIELD_MField with measure information.-
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd shapes_tools 23 [-INPUT <str>] [-FIELD_Z <str>] [-FIELD_M <str>] [-OUTPUT <str>]
  -INPUT:<str>  	Input
	shapes, input
  -FIELD_Z:<str>	Z
	table field
  -FIELD_M:<str>	M
	table field
  -OUTPUT:<str> 	Output
	shapes, output