Simple Subcatchment Version of TOPMODEL
Based on the 'TOPMODEL demonstration program v95.02' by Keith Beven (Centre for Research on Environmental Systems and Statistics, Institute of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK) and the C translation of the Fortran source codes implemented in GRASS.
This program allows single or multiple subcatchment calculations but with single average rainfall and potential evapotranspiration inputs to the whole catchment. Subcatchment discharges are routed to the catchment outlet using a linear routing algorithm with constant main channel velocity and internal subcatchment routing velocity. The program requires ln(a/tanB) distributions for each subcatchment. These may be calculated using the GRIDATB program which requires raster elevation data as input. It is recommended that those data should be 50 m resolution or better.
NOTE that TOPMODEL is not intended to be a traditional model package but is more a collection of concepts that can be used **** where appropriate ****. It is up to the user to verify that the assumptions are appropriate (see discussion in Beven et al.(1994). This version of the model will be best suited to catchments with shallow soils and moderate topography which do not suffer from excessively long dry periods. Ideally predicted contributing areas should be checked against what actually happens in the catchment.
It includes infiltration excess calculations and parameters based on the exponential conductivity Green-Ampt model of Beven (HSJ, 1984) but if infiltration excess does occur it does so over whole area of a subcatchment. Spatial variability in conductivities can however be handled by specifying Ko parameter values for different subcatchments, even if they have the same ln(a/tanB) and routing parameters, ie. to represent different parts of the area.
Note that time step calculations are explicit ie. SBAR at start of time step is used to determine contributing area. Thus with long (daily) time steps contributing area depends on initial value together with any volume filling effect of daily inputs. Also baseflow at start of time step is used to update SBAR at end of time step.
- Beven, K. (1997): TOPMODEL - a critique. Hydrological Processes, Vol.11, pp.1069-1085.
- Beven, K., Kirkby, M.J., Schofield, N., Tagg, A.F. (1984): Testing a physically-based flood forecasting model (TOPMODEL) for threee U.K. catchments. Journal of Hydrology, H.69, S.119-143.
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2003
- Menu: Simulation|Hydrology
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Topographic Wetness Index | grid, input | ATANB | - | - |
Weather Records | table, input | WEATHER | - | - |
Output | Soil Moisture Deficit (*) | grid, output, optional | MOIST | - | - |
Simulation Output | table, output | TABLE | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Precipitation [m / dt] | table field | RECORD_P | - | - |
Evapotranspiration [m / dt] | table field | RECORD_ET | - | - |
Date/Time (*) | table field | RECORD_DATE | - | - |
Time Step [h] | floating point number | DTIME | - | Default: 1.000000 |
Number of Classes | integer number | NCLASSES | - | Minimum: 1 Default: 30 |
Initial subsurface flow per unit area [m/h] | floating point number | P_QS0 | - | Default: 0.000033 |
Areal average of ln(T0) = ln(Te) [ln(m²/h)] | floating point number | P_LNTE | - | Default: 5.000000 |
Model parameter [m] | floating point number | P_MODEL | - | Default: 0.032000 |
Initial root zone storage deficit [m] | floating point number | P_SR0 | - | Default: 0.002000 |
Maximum root zone storage deficit [m] | floating point number | P_SRZMAX | - | Default: 0.050000 |
Unsaturated zone time delay per unit storage deficit [h] | floating point number | P_SUZ_TD | - | Default: 50.000000 |
Main channel routing velocity [m/h] | floating point number | P_VCH | - | Default: 3600.000000 |
Internal subcatchment routing velocity [m/h] | floating point number | P_VR | - | Default: 3600.000000 |
Surface hydraulic conductivity [m/h] | floating point number | P_K0 | - | Default: 1.000000 |
Wetting front suction [m] | floating point number | P_PSI | - | Default: 0.020000 |
Water content change across the wetting front | floating point number | P_DTHETA | - | Default: 0.100000 |
Green-Ampt Infiltration | boolean | BINF | - | Default: 1 |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd sim_hydrology 2 [-ATANB <str>] [-MOIST <str>] [-WEATHER <str>] [-RECORD_P <str>] [-RECORD_ET <str>] [-RECORD_DATE <str>] [-TABLE <str>] [-DTIME <double>] [-NCLASSES <num>] [-P_QS0 <double>] [-P_LNTE <double>] [-P_MODEL <double>] [-P_SR0 <double>] [-P_SRZMAX <double>] [-P_SUZ_TD <double>] [-P_VCH <double>] [-P_VR <double>] [-P_K0 <double>] [-P_PSI <double>] [-P_DTHETA <double>] [-BINF <str>]
-ATANB:<str> Topographic Wetness Index
grid, input
-MOIST:<str> Soil Moisture Deficit
grid, output, optional
-WEATHER:<str> Weather Records
table, input
-RECORD_P:<str> Precipitation [m / dt]
table field
-RECORD_ET:<str> Evapotranspiration [m / dt]
table field
-RECORD_DATE:<str> Date/Time
table field
-TABLE:<str> Simulation Output
table, output
-DTIME:<double> Time Step [h]
floating point number
Default: 1.000000
-NCLASSES:<num> Number of Classes
integer number
Minimum: 1
Default: 30
-P_QS0:<double> Initial subsurface flow per unit area [m/h]
floating point number
Default: 0.000033
-P_LNTE:<double> Areal average of ln(T0) = ln(Te) [ln(m_/h)]
floating point number
Default: 5.000000
-P_MODEL:<double> Model parameter [m]
floating point number
Default: 0.032000
-P_SR0:<double> Initial root zone storage deficit [m]
floating point number
Default: 0.002000
-P_SRZMAX:<double> Maximum root zone storage deficit [m]
floating point number
Default: 0.050000
-P_SUZ_TD:<double> Unsaturated zone time delay per unit storage deficit [h]
floating point number
Default: 50.000000
-P_VCH:<double> Main channel routing velocity [m/h]
floating point number
Default: 3600.000000
-P_VR:<double> Internal subcatchment routing velocity [m/h]
floating point number
Default: 3600.000000
-P_K0:<double> Surface hydraulic conductivity [m/h]
floating point number
Default: 1.000000
-P_PSI:<double> Wetting front suction [m]
floating point number
Default: 0.020000
-P_DTHETA:<double> Water content change across the wetting front
floating point number
Default: 0.100000
-BINF:<str> Green-Ampt Infiltration
Default: 1