Tool Focal Statistics
Based on its neighbourhood this tool calculates for each grid cell various statistical measures. According to Wilson & Gallant (2000) this tool was named 'Residual Analysis (Grid)' in earlier versions.
- Wilson, J.P. & Gallant, J.C. [Eds.] (2000): Terrain analysis - principles and applications. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2003
- Menu: Spatial and Geostatistics|Grids
Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints | |
Input | Grid | grid, input | GRID | - | - |
Output | Mean Value (*) | grid, output, optional | MEAN | - | - |
Minimum Value (*) | grid, output, optional | MIN | - | - | |
Maximum Value (*) | grid, output, optional | MAX | - | - | |
Value Range (*) | grid, output, optional | RANGE | - | - | |
Standard Deviation (*) | grid, output, optional | STDDEV | - | - | |
Variance (*) | grid, output, optional | VARIANCE | - | - | |
Sum (*) | grid, output, optional | SUM | - | - | |
Difference from Mean Value (*) | grid, output, optional | DIFF | - | - | |
Deviation from Mean Value (*) | grid, output, optional | DEVMEAN | - | - | |
Percentile (*) | grid, output, optional | PERCENT | - | - | |
Median (*) | grid, output, optional | MEDIAN | - | - | |
Minority (*) | grid, output, optional | MINORITY | - | - | |
Majority (*) | grid, output, optional | MAJORITY | - | - | |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Include Center Cell | boolean | BCENTER | - | Default: 1 | |
Kernel Type | choice | KERNEL_TYPE | The kernel's shape. | Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle [2] Annulus [3] Sector Default: 1 | |
Inner Radius | integer number | KERNEL_INNER | cells | Minimum: 0 Default: 0 | |
Radius | integer number | KERNEL_RADIUS | cells | Minimum: 0 Default: 2 | |
Direction | floating point number | KERNEL_DIRECTION | degree | Minimum: -360.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 0.000000 | |
Tolerance | floating point number | KERNEL_TOLERANCE | degree | Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 180.000000 Default: 5.000000 | |
Weighting Function | choice | DW_WEIGHTING | - | Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian Default: 0 | |
Power | floating point number | DW_IDW_POWER | - | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 | |
Bandwidth | floating point number | DW_BANDWIDTH | Bandwidth for exponential and Gaussian weighting | Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000 | |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 1 [-GRID <str>] [-MEAN <str>] [-MIN <str>] [-MAX <str>] [-RANGE <str>] [-STDDEV <str>] [-VARIANCE <str>] [-SUM <str>] [-DIFF <str>] [-DEVMEAN <str>] [-PERCENT <str>] [-MEDIAN <str>] [-MINORITY <str>] [-MAJORITY <str>] [-BCENTER <str>] [-KERNEL_TYPE <str>] [-KERNEL_INNER <num>] [-KERNEL_RADIUS <num>] [-KERNEL_DIRECTION <double>] [-KERNEL_TOLERANCE <double>] [-DW_WEIGHTING <str>] [-DW_IDW_POWER <double>] [-DW_BANDWIDTH <double>] -GRID:<str> Grid grid, input -MEAN:<str> Mean Value grid, output, optional -MIN:<str> Minimum Value grid, output, optional -MAX:<str> Maximum Value grid, output, optional -RANGE:<str> Value Range grid, output, optional -STDDEV:<str> Standard Deviation grid, output, optional -VARIANCE:<str> Variance grid, output, optional -SUM:<str> Sum grid, output, optional -DIFF:<str> Difference from Mean Value grid, output, optional -DEVMEAN:<str> Deviation from Mean Value grid, output, optional -PERCENT:<str> Percentile grid, output, optional -MEDIAN:<str> Median grid, output, optional -MINORITY:<str> Minority grid, output, optional -MAJORITY:<str> Majority grid, output, optional -BCENTER:<str> Include Center Cell boolean Default: 1 -KERNEL_TYPE:<str> Kernel Type choice Available Choices: [0] Square [1] Circle [2] Annulus [3] Sector Default: 1 -KERNEL_INNER:<num> Inner Radius integer number Minimum: 0 Default: 0 -KERNEL_RADIUS:<num> Radius integer number Minimum: 0 Default: 2 -KERNEL_DIRECTION:<double> Direction floating point number Minimum: -360.000000 Maximum: 360.000000 Default: 0.000000 -KERNEL_TOLERANCE:<double> Tolerance floating point number Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 180.000000 Default: 5.000000 -DW_WEIGHTING:<str> Weighting Function choice Available Choices: [0] no distance weighting [1] inverse distance to a power [2] exponential [3] gaussian Default: 0 -DW_IDW_POWER:<double> Power floating point number Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000 -DW_BANDWIDTH:<double> Bandwidth floating point number Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000