Tool Evaluate Statistics for Grids
Calculates statistical properties (arithmetic mean, range, variance, standard deviation, percentiles) on a cell-wise base. This tool takes input about basic statistical information as it can be collected with the 'Build/Add Statistics for Grids' tools. These three tools (build, add, evaluate) have been designed to inspect a large number of grids that could otherwise not be evaluated simultaneously due to memory restrictions.
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2018
- Menu: Spatial and Geostatistics|Grids|Massive Data Analysis
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Number of Values (*) | grid, input, optional | COUNT | - | - |
Sum (*) | grid, input, optional | SUM | - | - |
Sum of Squares (*) | grid, input, optional | SUM2 | - | - |
Minimum (*) | grid, input, optional | MIN | - | - |
Maximum (*) | grid, input, optional | MAX | - | - |
Histogram (*) | grid collection, input, optional | HISTOGRAM | - | - |
Output | Range | grid, output | RANGE | - | - |
Arithmetic Mean | grid, output | MEAN | - | - |
Variance | grid, output | VAR | - | - |
Standard Deviation | grid, output | STDDEV | - | - |
Percentiles (*) | grid list, output, optional | QUANTILES | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Percentiles | text | QUANTVALS | Separate the desired percentiles by semicolon | Default: 5; 25; 50; 75; 95 |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd statistics_grid 18 [-COUNT <str>] [-SUM <str>] [-SUM2 <str>] [-MIN <str>] [-MAX <str>] [-HISTOGRAM <str>] [-RANGE <str>] [-MEAN <str>] [-VAR <str>] [-STDDEV <str>] [-QUANTILES <str>] [-QUANTVALS <str>]
-COUNT:<str> Number of Values
grid, input, optional
-SUM:<str> Sum
grid, input, optional
-SUM2:<str> Sum of Squares
grid, input, optional
-MIN:<str> Minimum
grid, input, optional
-MAX:<str> Maximum
grid, input, optional
-HISTOGRAM:<str> Histogram
grid collection, input, optional
-RANGE:<str> Range
grid, output
-MEAN:<str> Arithmetic Mean
grid, output
-VAR:<str> Variance
grid, output
-STDDEV:<str> Standard Deviation
grid, output
-QUANTILES:<str> Percentiles
grid list, output, optional
-QUANTVALS:<str> Percentiles
Default: 5; 25; 50; 75; 95