SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Vertical Distance to Channel Network

This tool calculates the vertical distance to a channel network base level. The algorithm consists of two major steps:
1. Interpolation of a channel network base level elevation
2. Subtraction of this base level from the original elevations


InputElevationgrid, inputELEVATIONA grid that contains elevation data.-
Channel Networkgrid, inputCHANNELSA grid providing information about the channel network. It is assumed that no-data cells are not part of the channel network. Vice versa all others cells are recognised as channel network members.-
OutputVertical Distance to Channel Networkgrid, outputDISTANCEThe resulting grid gives the altitude above the channel network in the same units as the elevation data.-
Channel Network Base Level (*)grid, output, optionalBASELEVELThis optional grid output contains the interpolated channel network base level elevations.-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Tension Thresholdfloating point numberTHRESHOLDMaximum change in elevation units (e.g. meter), iteration is stopped once maximum change reaches this threshold.Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
Maximum Iterationsinteger numberMAXITERMaximum number of iterations, ignored if set to zeroMinimum: 0
Default: 0
Keep Base Level below SurfacebooleanNOUNDERGROUND-Default: 1
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd ta_channels 3 [-ELEVATION <str>] [-CHANNELS <str>] [-DISTANCE <str>] [-BASELEVEL <str>] [-THRESHOLD <double>] [-MAXITER <num>] [-NOUNDERGROUND <str>]
  -ELEVATION:<str>    	Elevation
	grid, input
  -CHANNELS:<str>     	Channel Network
	grid, input
  -DISTANCE:<str>     	Vertical Distance to Channel Network
	grid, output
  -BASELEVEL:<str>    	Channel Network Base Level
	grid, output, optional
  -THRESHOLD:<double> 	Tension Threshold
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -MAXITER:<num>      	Maximum Iterations
	integer number
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 0
  -NOUNDERGROUND:<str>	Keep Base Level below Surface
	Default: 1