SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool CliffMetrics

CliffMetrics (Automatic Cliff Metrics delineation) delineates the location of the coastline, coastline normals, and cliff top and toe location along these normals.



InputElevationgrid, inputDEM--
User Defined Coastline Points (*)shapes, input, optionalCOAST_INITIALif non empty, cliffmetric will use the user defined coastal line to draw the transects-
OutputSediment Top Elevationgrid, outputSEDIMENT_TOP--
Coastline (*)grid, output, optionalRASTER_COAST--
Normals (*)grid, output, optionalRASTER_NORMAL--
Coastlineshapes, outputCOAST--
Coastline-Normal Profilesshapes, outputNORMALS--
Cliff Top Pointsshapes, outputCLIFF_TOP--
Cliff Toe Pointsshapes, outputCLIFF_TOE--
Coast Pointsshapes, outputCOAST_POINT--
Invalid Coastline-Normal Profiles (*)shapes, output, optionalINVALID_NORMALS--
Coastline Curvature (*)shapes, output, optionalCOAST_CURVATURE--
Profile Datatable, outputPROFILES--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Sea handinesschoiceCoastSeaHandinessas you traverse the coastline, on which side of shoreline the sea is?Available Choices:
[0] right
[1] left
Default: 0
Start edge coastlinechoiceStartEdgeUserCoastLineon which edge of the DTM the start of coastline is?Available Choices:
[0] North
[1] East
[2] South
[3] West
Default: 0
End edge coastlinechoiceEndEdgeUserCoastLineon which edge of the DTM the end of coastline is?Available Choices:
[0] North
[1] East
[2] South
[3] West
Default: 0
Still Water Levelfloating point numberStillWaterLevelStill water level (m) used to extract the shoreline.Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
Coastline Smoothing AlgorithmchoiceCoastSmoothVector coastline smoothing algorithm.Available Choices:
[0] none
[1] running mean
[2] Savitsky-Golay
Default: 1
Coastline Smoothing Window Sizeinteger numberCoastSmoothWindowSize of coastline smoothing window, resulting kernel size will be: 1 + 2 * size.Minimum: 1
Default: 30
Polynomial Order for Savitsky-Golayinteger numberSavGolCoastPolyOrder of coastline profile smoothing polynomial for Savitsky-Golay smoothing: usually 2 or 4, max is 6.Minimum: 1
Maximum: 6
Default: 4
Scale Raster Output ValuesbooleanScaleRasterOutputIf needed, scale GIS raster output values.Default: 1
Random Edge for Coastline SearchbooleanRandomCoastEdgeSearchRandom edge for coastline search.Default: 1
Length of Coastline Normalsfloating point numberCoastNormalLengthLength of coastline normals (m).Minimum: 0.010000
Default: 500.000000
Vertical Tolerancefloating point numberEleToleranceVertical tolerance to avoid false cliff tops and toes.Minimum: 0.010000
Default: 0.500000
Main Output File Directoryfile pathOutPath--
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd ta_cliffmetrics 0 [-DEM <str>] [-SEDIMENT_TOP <str>] [-RASTER_COAST <str>] [-RASTER_NORMAL <str>] [-COAST_INITIAL <str>] [-CoastSeaHandiness <str>] [-StartEdgeUserCoastLine <str>] [-EndEdgeUserCoastLine <str>] [-COAST <str>] [-NORMALS <str>] [-CLIFF_TOP <str>] [-CLIFF_TOE <str>] [-COAST_POINT <str>] [-INVALID_NORMALS <str>] [-COAST_CURVATURE <str>] [-PROFILES <str>] [-StillWaterLevel <double>] [-CoastSmooth <str>] [-CoastSmoothWindow <num>] [-SavGolCoastPoly <num>] [-ScaleRasterOutput <str>] [-RandomCoastEdgeSearch <str>] [-CoastNormalLength <double>] [-EleTolerance <double>] [-OutPath <str>]
  -DEM:<str>                   	Elevation
	grid, input
  -SEDIMENT_TOP:<str>          	Sediment Top Elevation
	grid, output
  -RASTER_COAST:<str>          	Coastline
	grid, output, optional
  -RASTER_NORMAL:<str>         	Normals
	grid, output, optional
  -COAST_INITIAL:<str>         	User Defined Coastline Points
	shapes, input, optional
  -CoastSeaHandiness:<str>     	Sea handiness
	Available Choices:
	[0] right
	[1] left
	Default: 0
  -StartEdgeUserCoastLine:<str>	Start edge coastline
	Available Choices:
	[0] North
	[1] East
	[2] South
	[3] West
	Default: 0
  -EndEdgeUserCoastLine:<str>  	End edge coastline
	Available Choices:
	[0] North
	[1] East
	[2] South
	[3] West
	Default: 0
  -COAST:<str>                 	Coastline
	shapes, output
  -NORMALS:<str>               	Coastline-Normal Profiles
	shapes, output
  -CLIFF_TOP:<str>             	Cliff Top Points
	shapes, output
  -CLIFF_TOE:<str>             	Cliff Toe Points
	shapes, output
  -COAST_POINT:<str>           	Coast Points
	shapes, output
  -INVALID_NORMALS:<str>       	Invalid Coastline-Normal Profiles
	shapes, output, optional
  -COAST_CURVATURE:<str>       	Coastline Curvature
	shapes, output, optional
  -PROFILES:<str>              	Profile Data
	table, output
  -StillWaterLevel:<double>    	Still Water Level
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000
  -CoastSmooth:<str>           	Coastline Smoothing Algorithm
	Available Choices:
	[0] none
	[1] running mean
	[2] Savitsky-Golay
	Default: 1
  -CoastSmoothWindow:<num>     	Coastline Smoothing Window Size
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 30
  -SavGolCoastPoly:<num>       	Polynomial Order for Savitsky-Golay
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Maximum: 6
	Default: 4
  -ScaleRasterOutput:<str>     	Scale Raster Output Values
	Default: 1
  -RandomCoastEdgeSearch:<str> 	Random Edge for Coastline Search
	Default: 1
  -CoastNormalLength:<double>  	Length of Coastline Normals
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.010000
	Default: 500.000000
  -EleTolerance:<double>       	Vertical Tolerance
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.010000
	Default: 0.500000
  -OutPath:<str>               	Main Output File Directory
	file path