SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Coastal Profile Crossings

The Coastal Profile Crossings tool identifies the crossing points between coastal profiles along a reference coastline (from CliffMetrics Normal outputs) and any other coast lines and calculates the distance and coastline differences metrics.


InputSeaSide Profile Lines Layershapes, inputLINES_SeaSide--
LandSide Profile Lines Layershapes, inputLINES_LandSide--
Coast Lines Layershapes, inputLINES_Coast--
OutputCrossings at Sea Sideshapes, outputCROSSINGS_SEASIDE--
Crossings at Land Sideshapes, outputCROSSINGS_LANDSIDE--
Distances to profile start pointshapes, outputDISTANCESDistances > 0 if towards sea side (acretion) and < 0 if towards landside (erosion)-
OptionsParent AttributeschoiceATTRIBUTESattributes inherited by parent lines layersAvailable Choices:
[0] index
[1] attributes
[2] index and attributes
Default: 0


Usage: saga_cmd ta_cliffmetrics 1 [-LINES_SeaSide <str>] [-LINES_LandSide <str>] [-LINES_Coast <str>] [-CROSSINGS_SEASIDE <str>] [-CROSSINGS_LANDSIDE <str>] [-ATTRIBUTES <str>] [-DISTANCES <str>]
  -LINES_SeaSide:<str>     	SeaSide Profile Lines Layer
	shapes, input
  -LINES_LandSide:<str>    	LandSide Profile Lines Layer
	shapes, input
  -LINES_Coast:<str>       	Coast Lines Layer
	shapes, input
  -CROSSINGS_SEASIDE:<str> 	Crossings at Sea Side
	shapes, output
  -CROSSINGS_LANDSIDE:<str>	Crossings at Land Side
	shapes, output
  -ATTRIBUTES:<str>        	Parent Attributes
	Available Choices:
	[0] index
	[1] attributes
	[2] index and attributes
	Default: 0
  -DISTANCES:<str>         	Distances to profile start point
	shapes, output