SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Basic Terrain Analysis

A selection of basic parameters and objects to be derived from a Digital Terrain Model using standard settings.


InputElevationgrid, inputELEVATION--
OutputAnalytical Hillshadinggrid, outputSHADE--
Slopegrid, outputSLOPE--
Aspectgrid, outputASPECT--
Plan Curvaturegrid, outputHCURV--
Profile Curvaturegrid, outputVCURV--
Convergence Indexgrid, outputCONVERGENCE--
Closed Depressionsgrid, outputSINKS--
Total Catchment Areagrid, outputFLOW--
Topographic Wetness Indexgrid, outputWETNESS--
LS-Factorgrid, outputLSFACTOR--
Channel Networkshapes, outputCHANNELS--
Drainage Basinsshapes, outputBASINS--
Channel Network Base Levelgrid, outputCHNL_BASE--
Channel Network Distancegrid, outputCHNL_DIST--
Valley Depthgrid, outputVALL_DEPTH--
Relative Slope Positiongrid, outputRSP--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Channel Densityinteger numberTHRESHOLDStrahler order to begin a channel.Minimum: 1
Default: 5


Usage: saga_cmd ta_compound 0 [-ELEVATION <str>] [-SHADE <str>] [-SLOPE <str>] [-ASPECT <str>] [-HCURV <str>] [-VCURV <str>] [-CONVERGENCE <str>] [-SINKS <str>] [-FLOW <str>] [-WETNESS <str>] [-LSFACTOR <str>] [-CHANNELS <str>] [-BASINS <str>] [-CHNL_BASE <str>] [-CHNL_DIST <str>] [-VALL_DEPTH <str>] [-RSP <str>] [-THRESHOLD <num>]
  -ELEVATION:<str>  	Elevation
	grid, input
  -SHADE:<str>      	Analytical Hillshading
	grid, output
  -SLOPE:<str>      	Slope
	grid, output
  -ASPECT:<str>     	Aspect
	grid, output
  -HCURV:<str>      	Plan Curvature
	grid, output
  -VCURV:<str>      	Profile Curvature
	grid, output
  -CONVERGENCE:<str>	Convergence Index
	grid, output
  -SINKS:<str>      	Closed Depressions
	grid, output
  -FLOW:<str>       	Total Catchment Area
	grid, output
  -WETNESS:<str>    	Topographic Wetness Index
	grid, output
  -LSFACTOR:<str>   	LS-Factor
	grid, output
  -CHANNELS:<str>   	Channel Network
	shapes, output
  -BASINS:<str>     	Drainage Basins
	shapes, output
  -CHNL_BASE:<str>  	Channel Network Base Level
	grid, output
  -CHNL_DIST:<str>  	Channel Network Distance
	grid, output
  -VALL_DEPTH:<str> 	Valley Depth
	grid, output
  -RSP:<str>        	Relative Slope Position
	grid, output
  -THRESHOLD:<num>  	Channel Density
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 5