Tool Isochrones Variable Speed (interactive)
Calculation of isochrones with variable speed.
In case a cell in an optional input grid is NoData, the corresponding parameter value will be used instead of skipping this cell.
This is the interactive tool version, where a left mouse click will trigger the calculation for the selected cell.
- Al-Smadi, Mohammad (1998): Incorporating spatial and temporal variation of watershed response in a gis-based hydrologic model. Faculty of the Virginia Polythecnic Insitute and State University. MsC Thesis. online.
- MartÃnez Ãlvarez, V.; Dal-Ré Tenreiro, R.; GarcÃa GarcÃa, A. I.; Ayuga Téllez, F. (): Modelación distribuida de la escorrentÃa superficial en pequeñas cuencas mediante SIG. Evaluación experimental.
- Olaya, V. (2004): Hidrologia computacional y modelos digitales del terreno. Alqua. 536 pp.
- Author: V.Olaya (c) 2004, V.Wichmann (c) 2015
- Menu: Terrain Analysis|Hydrology|Dynamics
Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints | |
Input | Elevation | grid, input | DEM | - | - |
Slope | grid, input | SLOPE | - | - | |
Catchment Area | grid, input | FLOWACC | - | - | |
Curve Number (*) | grid, input, optional | CN | - | - | |
Manning's N (*) | grid, input, optional | MANNING | - | - | |
Output | Time Out(h) | grid, output | TIME | - | - |
Speed (m/s) | grid, output | SPEED | - | - | |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Avg. Manning's N | floating point number | AVGMANNING | - | Default: 0.150000 | |
Avg. Curve Number | floating point number | AVGCN | - | Default: 75.000000 | |
Mixed Flow Threshold (ha) | floating point number | THRSMIXED | - | Default: 18.000000 | |
Channel Definition Threshold (ha) | floating point number | THRSCHANNEL | - | Default: 360.000000 | |
Avg. Rainfall Intensity (mm/h) | floating point number | AVGRAINFALL | - | Default: 1.000000 | |
Channel side slope(m/m) | floating point number | CHANSLOPE | - | Default: 0.500000 | |
Min. Flow Speed (m/s) | floating point number | MINSPEED | - | Default: 0.050000 | |
(*) optional |
this interactive tool can not be executed.