SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Isochrones Variable Speed (interactive)

Calculation of isochrones with variable speed.
In case a cell in an optional input grid is NoData, the corresponding parameter value will be used instead of skipping this cell.
This is the interactive tool version, where a left mouse click will trigger the calculation for the selected cell.



InputElevationgrid, inputDEM--
Slopegrid, inputSLOPE--
Catchment Areagrid, inputFLOWACC--
Curve Number (*)grid, input, optionalCN--
Manning's N (*)grid, input, optionalMANNING--
OutputTime Out(h)grid, outputTIME--
Speed (m/s)grid, outputSPEED--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Avg. Manning's Nfloating point numberAVGMANNING-Default: 0.150000
Avg. Curve Numberfloating point numberAVGCN-Default: 75.000000
Mixed Flow Threshold (ha)floating point numberTHRSMIXED-Default: 18.000000
Channel Definition Threshold (ha)floating point numberTHRSCHANNEL-Default: 360.000000
Avg. Rainfall Intensity (mm/h)floating point numberAVGRAINFALL-Default: 1.000000
Channel side slope(m/m)floating point numberCHANSLOPE-Default: 0.500000
Min. Flow Speed (m/s)floating point numberMINSPEED-Default: 0.050000
(*) optional


this interactive tool can not be executed.