SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Potential Incoming Solar Radiation

Calculation of potential incoming solar radiation (insolation). Times of sunrise/sunset will only be calculated if time span is set to single day.
Most options should do well, but TAPES-G based diffuse irradiance calculation ('Atmospheric Effects' methods 2 and 3) needs further revision!



InputElevationgrid, inputGRD_DEM--
Sky View Factor (*)grid, input, optionalGRD_SVF--
Water Vapour Pressure [mbar] (*)grid, input, optionalGRD_VAPOUR--
Linke Turbidity Coefficient (*)grid, input, optionalGRD_LINKE--
OutputDirect Insolationgrid, outputGRD_DIRECT--
Diffuse Insolationgrid, outputGRD_DIFFUS--
Total Insolation (*)grid, output, optionalGRD_TOTAL--
Direct to Diffuse Ratio (*)grid, output, optionalGRD_RATIO--
Compare to Flat Terrain (*)grid, output, optionalGRD_FLAT--
Duration of Insolation (*)grid, output, optionalGRD_DURATION--
Sunrise (*)grid, output, optionalGRD_SUNRISE--
Sunset (*)grid, output, optionalGRD_SUNSET--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Defaultfloating point numberGRD_VAPOUR_DEFAULTdefault value if no grid has been selectedMinimum: 0.000000
Default: 10.000000
Defaultfloating point numberGRD_LINKE_DEFAULTdefault value if no grid has been selectedMinimum: 0.000000
Default: 3.000000
Solar Constant [W/m²]floating point numberSOLARCONST-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1367.000000
Local Sky View FactorbooleanLOCALSVFUse sky view factor based on local slope (after Oke 1988), if no sky viev factor grid is given.Default: 1
UnitschoiceUNITSUnits for output radiation values.Available Choices:
[0] [kWh/m²]
[1] [kJ/m²]
[2] [J/cm²]
Default: 0
ShadowchoiceSHADOWChoose 'slim' to trace grid node's shadow, 'fat' to trace the whole cell's shadow, or ignore shadowing effects. The first is slightly faster but might show some artifacts.Available Choices:
[0] slim
[1] fat
[2] none
Default: 1
LocationchoiceLOCATION-Available Choices:
[0] constant latitude
[1] calculate from grid system
Default: 0
LatitudedegreeLATITUDE-Minimum: -90.000000
Maximum: 90.000000
Default: 53.000000
Time PeriodchoicePERIOD-Available Choices:
[0] moment
[1] day
[2] range of days
Default: 1
DaydateDAY-Default: 2023-10-06
Last DaydateDAY_STOP-Default: 2023-10-06
Resolution [d]integer numberDAYS_STEPTime step size for a range of days calculation given in days.Minimum: 1
Default: 5
Moment [h]floating point numberMOMENT-Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 24.000000
Default: 12.000000
Time Span [h]value rangeHOUR_RANGETime span used for the calculation of daily radiation sums.-
Resolution [h]floating point numberHOUR_STEPTime step size for a day's calculation given in hours.Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 24.000000
Default: 0.500000
Atmospheric EffectschoiceMETHOD-Available Choices:
[0] Height of Atmosphere and Vapour Pressure
[1] Air Pressure, Water and Dust Content
[2] Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance
[3] Hofierka and Šúri
Default: 2
Height of Atmosphere [m]floating point numberATMOSPHERE-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 12000.000000
Barometric Pressure [mbar]floating point numberPRESSURE-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1013.000000
Water Content [cm]floating point numberWATERWater content of a vertical slice of atmosphere in cm: 1.5 to 1.7, average=1.68Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.680000
Dust [ppm]floating point numberDUSTDust factor: 100 ppm (standard)Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 100.000000
Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance [Percent]floating point numberLUMPEDThe transmittance of the atmosphere, usually between 60 and 80 percent.Minimum: 0.000000
Maximum: 100.000000
Default: 70.000000
Updatechoice, GUIUPDATEshow direct insolation for each time step.Available Choices:
[0] do not update
[1] fit histogram stretch for each time step
[2] constant histogram stretch for all time steps
Default: 0
Constant Histogram Stretchfloating point number, GUIUPDATE_STRETCH-Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 1.000000
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd ta_lighting 2 [-GRD_DEM <str>] [-GRD_SVF <str>] [-GRD_VAPOUR <str>] [-GRD_VAPOUR_DEFAULT <double>] [-GRD_LINKE <str>] [-GRD_LINKE_DEFAULT <double>] [-GRD_DIRECT <str>] [-GRD_DIFFUS <str>] [-GRD_TOTAL <str>] [-GRD_RATIO <str>] [-GRD_FLAT <str>] [-GRD_DURATION <str>] [-GRD_SUNRISE <str>] [-GRD_SUNSET <str>] [-SOLARCONST <double>] [-LOCALSVF <str>] [-UNITS <str>] [-SHADOW <str>] [-LOCATION <str>] [-LATITUDE <double>] [-PERIOD <str>] [-DAY <date>] [-DAY_STOP <date>] [-DAYS_STEP <num>] [-MOMENT <double>] [-HOUR_RANGE_MIN <double>] [-HOUR_RANGE_MAX <double>] [-HOUR_STEP <double>] [-METHOD <str>] [-ATMOSPHERE <double>] [-PRESSURE <double>] [-WATER <double>] [-DUST <double>] [-LUMPED <double>]
  -GRD_DEM:<str>              	Elevation
	grid, input
  -GRD_SVF:<str>              	Sky View Factor
	grid, input, optional
  -GRD_VAPOUR:<str>           	Water Vapour Pressure [mbar]
	grid, input, optional
  -GRD_VAPOUR_DEFAULT:<double>	Default
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 10.000000
  -GRD_LINKE:<str>            	Linke Turbidity Coefficient
	grid, input, optional
  -GRD_LINKE_DEFAULT:<double> 	Default
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 3.000000
  -GRD_DIRECT:<str>           	Direct Insolation
	grid, output
  -GRD_DIFFUS:<str>           	Diffuse Insolation
	grid, output
  -GRD_TOTAL:<str>            	Total Insolation
	grid, output, optional
  -GRD_RATIO:<str>            	Direct to Diffuse Ratio
	grid, output, optional
  -GRD_FLAT:<str>             	Compare to Flat Terrain
	grid, output, optional
  -GRD_DURATION:<str>         	Duration of Insolation
	grid, output, optional
  -GRD_SUNRISE:<str>          	Sunrise
	grid, output, optional
  -GRD_SUNSET:<str>           	Sunset
	grid, output, optional
  -SOLARCONST:<double>        	Solar Constant [W/m_]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1367.000000
  -LOCALSVF:<str>             	Local Sky View Factor
	Default: 1
  -UNITS:<str>                	Units
	Available Choices:
	[0] [kWh/m_]
	[1] [kJ/m_]
	[2] [J/cm_]
	Default: 0
  -SHADOW:<str>               	Shadow
	Available Choices:
	[0] slim
	[1] fat
	[2] none
	Default: 1
  -LOCATION:<str>             	Location
	Available Choices:
	[0] constant latitude
	[1] calculate from grid system
	Default: 0
  -LATITUDE:<double>          	Latitude
	Minimum: -90.000000
	Maximum: 90.000000
	Default: 53.000000
  -PERIOD:<str>               	Time Period
	Available Choices:
	[0] moment
	[1] day
	[2] range of days
	Default: 1
  -DAY:<date>                 	Day
	Default: 2023-10-07
  -DAY_STOP:<date>            	Last Day
	Default: 2023-10-07
  -DAYS_STEP:<num>            	Resolution [d]
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 5
  -MOMENT:<double>            	Moment [h]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 24.000000
	Default: 12.000000
  -HOUR_RANGE_MIN:<double>    	Time Span [h]
	value range
  -HOUR_RANGE_MAX:<double>    	Time Span [h]
	value range
  -HOUR_STEP:<double>         	Resolution [h]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 24.000000
	Default: 0.500000
  -METHOD:<str>               	Atmospheric Effects
	Available Choices:
	[0] Height of Atmosphere and Vapour Pressure
	[1] Air Pressure, Water and Dust Content
	[2] Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance
	[3] Hofierka and __ri
	Default: 2
  -ATMOSPHERE:<double>        	Height of Atmosphere [m]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 12000.000000
  -PRESSURE:<double>          	Barometric Pressure [mbar]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1013.000000
  -WATER:<double>             	Water Content [cm]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.680000
  -DUST:<double>              	Dust [ppm]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 100.000000
  -LUMPED:<double>            	Lumped Atmospheric Transmittance [Percent]
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 100.000000
	Default: 70.000000