Tool Convergence Index
The convergence/divergence index.
- Koethe, R. & Lehmeier, F. (1996): SARA - System zur Automatischen Relief-Analyse. User Manual, 2. Edition [Dept. of Geography, University of Goettingen, unpublished]
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2001
- Menu: Terrain Analysis|Morphometry
Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints | |
Input | Elevation | grid, input | ELEVATION | - | - |
Output | Convergence Index | grid, output | RESULT | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Method | choice | METHOD | - | Available Choices: [0] Aspect [1] Gradient Default: 0 | |
Gradient Calculation | choice | NEIGHBOURS | - | Available Choices: [0] 2 x 2 [1] 3 x 3 Default: 0 |
Usage: saga_cmd ta_morphometry 1 [-ELEVATION <str>] [-RESULT <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-NEIGHBOURS <str>] -ELEVATION:<str> Elevation grid, input -RESULT:<str> Convergence Index grid, output -METHOD:<str> Method choice Available Choices: [0] Aspect [1] Gradient Default: 0 -NEIGHBOURS:<str> Gradient Calculation choice Available Choices: [0] 2 x 2 [1] 3 x 3 Default: 0