SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Profiles from Lines

Create profiles from a grid based DEM for each line of a lines layer.


InputElevationgrid, inputDEM--
Values (*)grid list, input, optionalVALUESAdditional values to be collected along profile.-
Linesshapes, inputLINES--
OutputProfiles (*)shapes, output, optionalPROFILE--
Profiles (*)shapes list, output, optionalPROFILES--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Name (*)table fieldNAMEAttribute to use for splitted line naming (=> each line as new profile)-
Each Line as new ProfilebooleanSPLIT-Default: 0
Show Diagramboolean, GUIDIAGRAM-Default: 0
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd ta_profiles 4 [-DEM <str>] [-VALUES <str>] [-LINES <str>] [-NAME <str>] [-PROFILE <str>] [-PROFILES <str>] [-SPLIT <str>]
  -DEM:<str>     	Elevation
	grid, input
  -VALUES:<str>  	Values
	grid list, input, optional
  -LINES:<str>   	Lines
	shapes, input
  -NAME:<str>    	Name
	table field
  -PROFILE:<str> 	Profiles
	shapes, output, optional
  -PROFILES:<str>	Profiles
	shapes list, output, optional
  -SPLIT:<str>   	Each Line as new Profile
	Default: 0