This tool computes a slope stability (expressed as a factor-of-safety) raster according to the traditional infinite slope model theory (see cf Selby, 1993) The resulting raster represents the ratio of resisting forces/driving forces (fs) on a potential shear plane with fs lesser 1 unstable, fs greater 1 stable. Except for a slope raster (in radians), all input variables can be specified either globally or distributed (through grids). The tool creates a continuous fs raster (values above 10 are truncated), and a binary stability grid with nodata = stable, 1 = unstable (optional).
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Slope grid (rad) | grid, input | A | A slope angle grid (in radÃans) | - |
Min thickness grid (m) (*) | grid, input, optional | Bmin | A grid representing minimum cell layer thicknesses to potential shear plane (in meters) | - |
Max thickness grid (m) (*) | grid, input, optional | Bmax | A grid representing maximum cell layer thicknesses to potential shear plane (in meters) | - |
Min saturation grid (-) (*) | grid, input, optional | Cmin | A grid representing minimum cell relative water saturation of layer (dimensionless) | - |
Max saturation grid (-) (*) | grid, input, optional | Cmax | A grid representing maximum cell relative water saturation of layer (dimensionless) | - |
Min friction grid (degree) (*) | grid, input, optional | Dmin | A grid representing minimum cell frictional shear strength of layer (in degrees) | - |
Max friction grid (degree) (*) | grid, input, optional | Dmax | A grid representing maximum cell frictional shear strength of layer (in degrees) | - |
Min density grid (g/cm3) (*) | grid, input, optional | Emin | A grid representing minimum cell bulk density of layer (in grams per cubiccentimeters) | - |
Max density grid (g/cm3) (*) | grid, input, optional | Emax | A grid representing maximum cell bulk density of layer (in grams per cubiccentimeters) | - |
Min cohesion grid (MPa) (*) | grid, input, optional | Fmin | A grid representing minimum cell layer cohesion (in Megapascals) | - |
Max cohesion grid (MPa) (*) | grid, input, optional | Fmax | A grid representing maximum cell layer cohesion (in Megapascals) | - |
Output | FS values | grid, output | G | Resulting factor-of-safety (-) grid | - |
FS classes (*) | grid, output, optional | H | Resulting stability (0/1) grid | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Min global thickness (m) | floating point number | fBmin | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 1.000000 |
Max global thickness (m) | floating point number | fBmax | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 1.000000 |
Min global saturation (-) | floating point number | fCmin | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 0.000000 |
Max global saturation (-) | floating point number | fCmax | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 0.000000 |
Min global friction (degree) | floating point number | fDmin | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 33.000000 |
Max global friction (degree) | floating point number | fDmax | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 33.000000 |
Min global density (g/cm3) | floating point number | fEmin | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 1.600000 |
Max global density (g/cm3) | floating point number | fEmax | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 1.600000 |
Min global cohesion (MPa) | floating point number | fFmin | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 0.000000 |
Max global cohesion (MPa) | floating point number | fFmax | Constant value if no raster set | Default: 0.000000 |
Parameter sampling runs | integer number | fI | Number of sampling cycles | Default: 1 |
(*) optional |