SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Confusion Matrix (Table Fields)

Compares record-wise the values of two table fields and creates a confusion matrix and derived coefficients. Values are expected to represent categories.


InputTabletable, inputTABLE--
OutputConfusion Matrixtable, outputCONFUSION--
Categoriestable, outputCLASSES--
Summarytable, outputSUMMARY--
OptionsCategories 1table fieldFIELD_1--
Categories 2table fieldFIELD_2--
Include No-DatabooleanNODATA-Default: 1


Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 19 [-TABLE <str>] [-FIELD_1 <str>] [-FIELD_2 <str>] [-CONFUSION <str>] [-CLASSES <str>] [-SUMMARY <str>] [-NODATA <str>]
  -TABLE:<str>    	Table
	table, input
  -FIELD_1:<str>  	Categories 1
	table field
  -FIELD_2:<str>  	Categories 2
	table field
  -CONFUSION:<str>	Confusion Matrix
	table, output
  -CLASSES:<str>  	Categories
	table, output
  -SUMMARY:<str>  	Summary
	table, output
  -NODATA:<str>   	Include No-Data
	Default: 1