SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Moving Statistics

For each record the statistics over the selected attribute and the specified number of records is calculated.


InputInputtable, inputINPUT--
OutputOutput (*)table, output, optionalOUTPUT--
OptionsFieldtable fieldFIELD--
Order by... (*)table fieldINDEX--
Missing RecordschoiceMISSINGCreate output option. If 'complete' specified number of records must be found, 'in range' ignores no-data in found records.Available Choices:
[0] complete records
[1] all records in range
[2] all records
Default: 0
Offsetinteger numberOFFSETThe number of preceding records to be taken into account for statistics.Default: 5
Number of Recordsinteger numberLENGTHThe total number of records to be taken into account for statistics.Minimum: 1
Default: 11
MeanbooleanMEAN-Default: 1
Mean (*)table fieldFIELD_MEAN--
MedianbooleanMEDIAN-Default: 0
Median (*)table fieldFIELD_MEDIAN--
MinimumbooleanMIN-Default: 0
Minimum (*)table fieldFIELD_MIN--
MaximumbooleanMAX-Default: 0
Maximum (*)table fieldFIELD_MAX--
Standard DeviationbooleanSTDV-Default: 0
Standard Deviation (*)table fieldFIELD_STDV--
Lower Standard DeviationbooleanSTDV_LO-Default: 0
Lower Standard Deviation (*)table fieldFIELD_STDV_LO--
Higher Standard DeviationbooleanSTDV_HI-Default: 0
Higher Standard Deviation (*)table fieldFIELD_STDV_HI--
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd table_calculus 5 [-INPUT <str>] [-OUTPUT <str>] [-FIELD <str>] [-INDEX <str>] [-MISSING <str>] [-OFFSET <num>] [-LENGTH <num>] [-MEAN <str>] [-FIELD_MEAN <str>] [-MEDIAN <str>] [-FIELD_MEDIAN <str>] [-MIN <str>] [-FIELD_MIN <str>] [-MAX <str>] [-FIELD_MAX <str>] [-STDV <str>] [-FIELD_STDV <str>] [-STDV_LO <str>] [-FIELD_STDV_LO <str>] [-STDV_HI <str>] [-FIELD_STDV_HI <str>]
  -INPUT:<str>        	Input
	table, input
  -OUTPUT:<str>       	Output
	table, output, optional
  -FIELD:<str>        	Field
	table field
  -INDEX:<str>        	Order by...
	table field
  -MISSING:<str>      	Missing Records
	Available Choices:
	[0] complete records
	[1] all records in range
	[2] all records
	Default: 0
  -OFFSET:<num>       	Offset
	integer number
	Default: 5
  -LENGTH:<num>       	Number of Records
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 11
  -MEAN:<str>         	Mean
	Default: 1
  -FIELD_MEAN:<str>   	Mean
	table field
  -MEDIAN:<str>       	Median
	Default: 0
  -FIELD_MEDIAN:<str> 	Median
	table field
  -MIN:<str>          	Minimum
	Default: 0
  -FIELD_MIN:<str>    	Minimum
	table field
  -MAX:<str>          	Maximum
	Default: 0
  -FIELD_MAX:<str>    	Maximum
	table field
  -STDV:<str>         	Standard Deviation
	Default: 0
  -FIELD_STDV:<str>   	Standard Deviation
	table field
  -STDV_LO:<str>      	Lower Standard Deviation
	Default: 0
  -FIELD_STDV_LO:<str>	Lower Standard Deviation
	table field
  -STDV_HI:<str>      	Higher Standard Deviation
	Default: 0
  -FIELD_STDV_HI:<str>	Higher Standard Deviation
	table field