Tool Delete Fields
Deletes selected fields from a table or shapefile.
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2013
- Menu: Table|Tools
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Table | table, input | TABLE | Input table or shapefile | - |
Output | Output table with field(s) deleted (*) | table, output, optional | OUT_TABLE | - | - |
Output shapes with field(s) deleted (*) | shapes, output, optional | OUT_SHAPES | - | - |
Options | Fields | table fields | FIELDS | - | - |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 11 [-TABLE <str>] [-FIELDS <str>] [-OUT_TABLE <str>] [-OUT_SHAPES <str>]
-TABLE:<str> Table
table, input
-FIELDS:<str> Fields
table fields
-OUT_TABLE:<str> Output table with field(s) deleted
table, output, optional
-OUT_SHAPES:<str> Output shapes with field(s) deleted
shapes, output, optional