SAGA-GIS Tool Library Documentation (v9.2.0)

Tool Add Indicator Fields for Categories

Adds for each unique value found in the category field an indicator field that will show a value of one (1) for all records with this category value and zero (0) for all others. This might be used e.g. for subsequent indicator kriging.


InputTabletable, inputTABLEInput table or shapefile-
OutputOutput table with field(s) deleted (*)table, output, optionalOUT_TABLE--
Output shapes with field(s) deleted (*)shapes, output, optionalOUT_SHAPES--
OptionsCategoriestable fieldFIELD--
(*) optional


Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 20 [-TABLE <str>] [-FIELD <str>] [-OUT_TABLE <str>] [-OUT_SHAPES <str>]
  -TABLE:<str>     	Table
	table, input
  -FIELD:<str>     	Categories
	table field
  -OUT_TABLE:<str> 	Output table with field(s) deleted
	table, output, optional
  -OUT_SHAPES:<str>	Output shapes with field(s) deleted
	shapes, output, optional