Tool Cluster Analysis (Table)
K-Means cluster analysis using selected features from attributes table.
- Forgy, E. (1965): Cluster Analysis of multivariate data: efficiency vs. interpretability of classifications. Biometrics 21:768.
- Rubin, J. (1967): Optimal Classification into Groups: An Approach for Solving the Taxonomy Problem. J. Theoretical Biology, 15:103-144.
- Author: O. Conrad (c) 2010
- Menu: Table|Classification
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Table | table, input | INPUT | - | - |
Output | Result (*) | table, output, optional | RESULT | - | - |
Statistics | table, output | STATISTICS | - | - |
Options | Features | table fields | FIELDS | - | - |
Normalize | boolean | NORMALISE | - | Default: 0 |
Cluster (*) | table field | CLUSTER | Target field for cluster numbers. If not set a new field will be added | - |
Method | choice | METHOD | - | Available Choices: [0] Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965) [1] Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967) [2] Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing Default: 1 |
Number of Clusters | integer number | NCLUSTER | - | Minimum: 2 Default: 10 |
(*) optional |
Usage: saga_cmd table_tools 28 [-INPUT <str>] [-RESULT <str>] [-FIELDS <str>] [-NORMALISE <str>] [-CLUSTER <str>] [-STATISTICS <str>] [-METHOD <str>] [-NCLUSTER <num>]
-INPUT:<str> Table
table, input
-RESULT:<str> Result
table, output, optional
-FIELDS:<str> Features
table fields
-NORMALISE:<str> Normalize
Default: 0
-CLUSTER:<str> Cluster
table field
-STATISTICS:<str> Statistics
table, output
-METHOD:<str> Method
Available Choices:
[0] Iterative Minimum Distance (Forgy 1965)
[1] Hill-Climbing (Rubin 1967)
[2] Combined Minimum Distance / Hillclimbing
Default: 1
-NCLUSTER:<num> Number of Clusters
integer number
Minimum: 2
Default: 10