SAGA 9.3.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Import Sentinel-3 OLCI Scene


Import Sentinel-3 OLCI (Ocean and Land Colour Instrument) scenes from a folder structure as provided by the original ESA download.



OutputBandsgrid list, outputBANDS--
OptionsDirectoryfile pathDIRECTORY--
Target Resolutionfloating point numberRESOLUTION-Minimum: 0.001000 Maximum: 1.000000 Default: 0.002778
Bands as Grid CollectionbooleanCOLLECTION-Default: 1

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd imagery_tools 16 [-BANDS ] [-DIRECTORY ] [-RESOLUTION ] [-COLLECTION ]
  -BANDS:        	Bands
	grid list, output
  -DIRECTORY:    	Directory
	file path
  -RESOLUTION:	Target Resolution
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.001000
	Maximum: 1.000000
	Default: 0.002778
  -COLLECTION:   	Bands as Grid Collection
	Default: 1