Export Grid to KML
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2014
- Menu: File | Grid | Export
Uses 'Export Image' tool to create the image file. Automatically projects raster to geographic coordinate system, if its projection is known and not geographic.
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Grid | grid, input | GRID | - | - |
Shade | grid, input, optional | SHADE | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Image File | file path | FILE | - | - |
Output | choice | OUTPUT | - | Available Choices:
[0] kml and image files
[1] kmz, kml and image files
[2] kmz file
Default: 2 |
Colouring | choice | COLOURING | - | Available Choices:
[0] stretch to grid's standard deviation
[1] stretch to grid's value range
[2] stretch to specified value range
[3] lookup table
[4] rgb coded values
[5] same as in graphical user interface
Default: 5 |
Colours Palette | colors | COL_PALETTE | - | - |
Standard Deviation | floating point number | STDDEV | - | Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000 |
Stretch to Value Range | value range | STRETCH | - | - |
Lookup Table | static table | LUT | - | 5 Fields:
- 1. [color] Color
- 2. [string] Name
- 3. [string] Description
- 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum
- 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum
Interpolation | boolean | RESAMPLING | Resampling method used when projection is needed | Default: 1 |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd io_grid_image 2 [-GRID ] [-SHADE ] [-FILE ] [-OUTPUT ] [-COLOURING ] [-COL_PALETTE ] [-STDDEV ] [-STRETCH_MIN ] [-STRETCH_MAX ] [-LUT ] [-RESAMPLING ]
-GRID: Grid
grid, input
-SHADE: Shade
grid, input, optional
-FILE: Image File
file path
-OUTPUT: Output
Available Choices:
[0] kml and image files
[1] kmz, kml and image files
[2] kmz file
Default: 2
-COLOURING: Colouring
Available Choices:
[0] stretch to grid's standard deviation
[1] stretch to grid's value range
[2] stretch to specified value range
[3] lookup table
[4] rgb coded values
[5] same as in graphical user interface
Default: 5
-COL_PALETTE: Colours Palette
-STDDEV: Standard Deviation
floating point number
Minimum: 0.000000
Default: 2.000000
-STRETCH_MIN: Stretch to Value Range
value range
-STRETCH_MAX: Stretch to Value Range
value range
-LUT: Lookup Table
static table
5 Fields:
- 1. [color] Color
- 2. [string] Name
- 3. [string] Description
- 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum
- 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum
-RESAMPLING: Interpolation
Default: 1