SAGA 9.3.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Export LAS/LAZ File


The tool allows one to export a point cloud as ASPRS LAS (or compressed LAZ) file using the "Point Data Abstraction Library" (PDAL). The file extension of the output file determines whether the file is written compressed (*.laz) or uncompressed (*.las). The number and type of attributes that can be exported depends on the chosen LAS file version and point data record format. Please have a look at the ASPRS LAS specification on how these formats are defined. PDAL Version:2.5.0 (git-version: Release)



InputPoint Cloudpoint cloud, inputPOINTSThe point cloud to export.-
Optionsgps-timetable fieldT--
number of the returntable fieldr--
number of returns of given pulsetable fieldn--
intensitytable fieldi--
classificationtable fieldc--
scanner channeltable fieldsCH--
red channel colortable fieldR--
green channel colortable fieldG--
blue channel colortable fieldB--
SAGA RGB colortable fieldC--
near infraredtable fieldNIR--
scan angletable fielda--
direction of scan flagtable fieldd--
edge of flight line flagtable fielde--
user datatable fieldu--
point source IDtable fieldp--
Output Filefile pathFILEThe LAS/LAZ output file.-
File FormatchoiceFILE_FORMATChoose the file format to write. The format determines which attributes can be written and in which data depth.Available Choices: [0] LAS 1.2 [1] LAS 1.4 Default: 1
Point Data Record FormatchoiceFORMATChoose the point data record format to write. The format determines which attributes can be written.Available Choices: [0] 0 [1] 1 [2] 2 [3] 3 [4] 6 [5] 7 [6] 8 Default: 3
Input R,G,B (and NIR) Value RangechoiceRGB_RANGEColor depth of the R,G,B (and NIR) values in the input point cloud. 8 bit values will be scaled to 16 bit.Available Choices: [0] 16 bit [1] 8 bit Default: 1
Offset Xfloating point numberOFF_X-Default: 0.000000
Offset Yfloating point numberOFF_Y-Default: 0.000000
Offset Zfloating point numberOFF_Z-Default: 0.000000
Scale Xfloating point numberSCALE_X-Default: 0.001000
Scale Yfloating point numberSCALE_Y-Default: 0.001000
Scale Zfloating point numberSCALE_Z-Default: 0.001000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd io_pdal 1 [-POINTS ] [-T ] [-r ] [-n ] [-i ] [-c ] [-sCH ] [-R ] [-G ] [-B ] [-C ] [-NIR ] [-a ] [-d ] [-e ] [-u ] [-p ] [-FILE ] [-FILE_FORMAT ] [-FORMAT ] [-RGB_RANGE ] [-OFF_X ] [-OFF_Y ] [-OFF_Z ] [-SCALE_X ] [-SCALE_Y ] [-SCALE_Z ]
  -POINTS:     	Point Cloud
	point cloud, input
  -T:          	gps-time
	table field
  -r:          	number of the return
	table field
  -n:          	number of returns of given pulse
	table field
  -i:          	intensity
	table field
  -c:          	classification
	table field
  -sCH:        	scanner channel
	table field
  -R:          	red channel color
	table field
  -G:          	green channel color
	table field
  -B:          	blue channel color
	table field
  -C:          	SAGA RGB color
	table field
  -NIR:        	near infrared
	table field
  -a:          	scan angle
	table field
  -d:          	direction of scan flag
	table field
  -e:          	edge of flight line flag
	table field
  -u:          	user data
	table field
  -p:          	point source ID
	table field
  -FILE:       	Output File
	file path
  -FILE_FORMAT:	File Format
	Available Choices:
	[0] LAS 1.2
	[1] LAS 1.4
	Default: 1
  -FORMAT:     	Point Data Record Format
	Available Choices:
	[0] 0
	[1] 1
	[2] 2
	[3] 3
	[4] 6
	[5] 7
	[6] 8
	Default: 3
  -RGB_RANGE:  	Input R,G,B (and NIR) Value Range
	Available Choices:
	[0] 16 bit
	[1] 8 bit
	Default: 1
  -OFF_X:   	Offset X
	floating point number
	Default: 0.000000
  -OFF_Y:   	Offset Y
	floating point number
	Default: 0.000000
  -OFF_Z:   	Offset Z
	floating point number
	Default: 0.000000
  -SCALE_X: 	Scale X
	floating point number
	Default: 0.001000
  -SCALE_Y: 	Scale Y
	floating point number
	Default: 0.001000
  -SCALE_Z: 	Scale Z
	floating point number
	Default: 0.001000