SAGA 9.3.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Coordinate Conversion (Table)


This tool projects coordinate tuples. Coordinate tuples have to be provided by the two source coordinate fields. Projection routines make use of the Proj.4 Cartographic Projections library. Proj.4 was originally developed by Gerald Evenden and later continued by the United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey (USGS). Proj.4 Version is 7.2.1 Proj.4 Homepage


InputTabletable, inputTABLE--
Gridgrid, input, optionalCRS_GRID--
Shapesshapes, input, optionalCRS_SHAPES--
Gridgrid, input, optionalCRS_GRID--
Shapesshapes, input, optionalCRS_SHAPES--
OptionsX Coordinate Sourcetable fieldSOURCE_XTable field that provides the source X coordinates.-
Y Coordinate Sourcetable fieldSOURCE_YTable field that provides the source Y coordinates.-
Projected X Coordinatestable fieldTARGET_X--
Projected Y Coordinatestable fieldTARGET_Y--
Get CRS Definition from...choice, CMDCRS_METHOD-Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0
Proj4 Parameterslong textCRS_PROJ4-Default: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
Projection TypechoicePROJ_TYPEAvailable Projections: [adams_hemi] Adams Hemisphere in a Square [adams_ws1] Adams World in a Square I [adams_ws2] Adams World in a Square II [aea] Albers Equal Area (lat_1= lat_2=) [aeqd] Azimuthal Equidistant (lat_0 guam) [affine] Affine transformation [airy] Airy (no_cut lat_b=) [aitoff] Aitoff [alsk] Mod. Stereographic of Alaska [apian] Apian Globular I [august] August Epicycloidal [axisswap] Axis ordering [bacon] Bacon Globular [bertin1953] Bertin 1953 [bipc] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [boggs] Boggs Eumorphic [bonne] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) (lat_1=) [calcofi] Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations [cart] Geodetic/cartesian conversions [cass] Cassini [cc] Central Cylindrical [ccon] Central Conic (lat_1=) [cea] Equal Area Cylindrical (lat_ts=) [chamb] Chamberlin Trimetric (lat_1= lon_1= lat_2= lon_2= lat_3= lon_3=) [collg] Collignon [col_urban] Colombia Urban (h_0=) [comill] Compact Miller [crast] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [defmodel] Deformation model [deformation] Kinematic grid shift [denoy] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [eck1] Eckert I [eck2] Eckert II [eck3] Eckert III [eck4] Eckert IV [eck5] Eckert V [eck6] Eckert VI [eqearth] Equal Earth [eqc] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree) (lat_ts=[, lat_0=0]) [eqdc] Equidistant Conic (lat_1= lat_2=) [euler] Euler (lat_1= and lat_2=) [etmerc] Extended Transverse Mercator [fahey] Fahey [fouc] Foucaut [fouc_s] Foucaut Sinusoidal [gall] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [geoc] Geocentric Latitude [geocent] Geocentric [geogoffset] Geographic Offset [geos] Geostationary Satellite View (h=) [gins8] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [gn_sinu] General Sinusoidal Series (m= n=) [gnom] Gnomonic [goode] Goode Homolosine [gs48] Mod. Stereographic of 48 U.S. [gs50] Mod. Stereographic of 50 U.S. [guyou] Guyou [hammer] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff (W= M=) [hatano] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [healpix] HEALPix (rot_xy=) [rhealpix] rHEALPix (north_square= south_square=) [helmert] 3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift [hgridshift] Horizontal grid shift [horner] Horner polynomial evaluation [igh] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [igh_o] Interrupted Goode Homolosine Oceanic View [imw_p] International Map of the World Polyconic (lat_1= and lat_2= [lon_1=]) [isea] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [kav5] Kavraisky V [kav7] Kavraisky VII [krovak] Krovak [labrd] Laborde (Special for Madagascar) [laea] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [lagrng] Lagrange (W=) [larr] Larrivee [lask] Laskowski [lonlat] Lat/long (Geodetic) [latlon] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [latlong] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [longlat] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [lcc] Lambert Conformal Conic (lat_1= and lat_2= or lat_0, k_0=) [lcca] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative (lat_0=) [leac] Lambert Equal Area Conic (lat_1= south) [lee_os] Lee Oblated Stereographic [loxim] Loximuthal [lsat] Space oblique for LANDSAT (lsat= path=) [mbt_s] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [mbt_fps] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [mbtfpp] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [mbtfpq] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [mbtfps] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [merc] Mercator (lat_ts=) [mil_os] Miller Oblated Stereographic [mill] Miller Cylindrical [misrsom] Space oblique for MISR (path=) [moll] Mollweide [molobadekas] Molodensky-Badekas transformation [molodensky] Molodensky transform [murd1] Murdoch I (lat_1= and lat_2=) [murd2] Murdoch II (lat_1= and lat_2=) [murd3] Murdoch III (lat_1= and lat_2=) [natearth] Natural Earth [natearth2] Natural Earth 2 [nell] Nell [nell_h] Nell-Hammer [nicol] Nicolosi Globular [nsper] Near-sided perspective (h=) [nzmg] New Zealand Map Grid [noop] No operation [ob_tran] General Oblique Transformation (o_proj= plus parameters for projection o_lat_p= o_lon_p= (new pole) or o_alpha= o_lon_c= o_lat_c= or o_lon_1= o_lat_1= o_lon_2= o_lat_2=) [ocea] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area (lat_1= lat_2= lon_1= lon_2=) [oea] Oblated Equal Area (n= m= theta=) [omerc] Oblique Mercator (alpha= [gamma=] [no_off] lonc= or lon_1= lat_1= lon_2= lat_2=) [ortel] Ortelius Oval [ortho] Orthographic [pconic] Perspective Conic (lat_1= and lat_2=) [patterson] Patterson Cylindrical [peirce_q] Peirce Quincuncial [pipeline] Transformation pipeline manager [poly] Polyconic (American) [pop] Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack [push] Save coordinate value on pipeline stack [putp1] Putnins P1 [putp2] Putnins P2 [putp3] Putnins P3 [putp3p] Putnins P3' [putp4p] Putnins P4' [putp5] Putnins P5 [putp5p] Putnins P5' [putp6] Putnins P6 [putp6p] Putnins P6' [qua_aut] Quartic Authalic [qsc] Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube [robin] Robinson [rouss] Roussilhe Stereographic [rpoly] Rectangular Polyconic (lat_ts=) [sch] Spherical Cross-track Height (plat_0= plon_0= phdg_0= [h_0=]) [set] Set coordinate value [sinu] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [somerc] Swiss. Obl. Mercator (For CH1903) [stere] Stereographic (lat_ts=) [sterea] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [gstmerc] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) (lat_0= lon_0= k_0=) [tcc] Transverse Central Cylindrical [tcea] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [times] Times [tinshift] Triangulation based transformation [tissot] Tissot (lat_1= and lat_2=) [tmerc] Transverse Mercator (approx) [tobmerc] Tobler-Mercator [tpeqd] Two Point Equidistant (lat_1= lon_1= lat_2= lon_2=) [tpers] Tilted perspective (tilt= azi= h=) [unitconvert] Unit conversion [ups] Universal Polar Stereographic (south) [urm5] Urmaev V (n= q= alpha=) [urmfps] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal (n=) [utm] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) (zone= south approx) [vandg] van der Grinten (I) [vandg2] van der Grinten II [vandg3] van der Grinten III [vandg4] van der Grinten IV [vitk1] Vitkovsky I (lat_1= and lat_2=) [vgridshift] Vertical grid shift [wag1] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [wag2] Wagner II [wag3] Wagner III (lat_ts=) [wag4] Wagner IV [wag5] Wagner V [wag6] Wagner VI [wag7] Wagner VII [webmerc] Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator [weren] Werenskiold I [wink1] Winkel I (lat_ts=) [wink2] Winkel II (lat_1=) [wintri] Winkel Tripel (lat_1) [xyzgridshift] Geocentric grid shiftAvailable Choices: [0] Adams Hemisphere in a Square [1] Adams World in a Square I [2] Adams World in a Square II [3] Albers Equal Area [4] Azimuthal Equidistant [5] Affine transformation [6] Airy [7] Aitoff [8] Mod. Stereographic of Alaska [9] Apian Globular I [10] August Epicycloidal [11] Axis ordering [12] Bacon Globular [13] Bertin 1953 [14] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [15] Boggs Eumorphic [16] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [17] Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations [18] Geodetic/cartesian conversions [19] Cassini [20] Central Cylindrical [21] Central Conic [22] Equal Area Cylindrical [23] Chamberlin Trimetric [24] Collignon [25] Colombia Urban [26] Compact Miller [27] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [28] Deformation model [29] Kinematic grid shift [30] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [31] Eckert I [32] Eckert II [33] Eckert III [34] Eckert IV [35] Eckert V [36] Eckert VI [37] Equal Earth [38] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree) [39] Equidistant Conic [40] Euler [41] Extended Transverse Mercator [42] Fahey [43] Foucaut [44] Foucaut Sinusoidal [45] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [46] Geocentric Latitude [47] Geocentric [48] Geographic Offset [49] Geostationary Satellite View [50] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [51] General Sinusoidal Series [52] Gnomonic [53] Goode Homolosine [54] Mod. Stereographic of 48 U.S. [55] Mod. Stereographic of 50 U.S. [56] Guyou [57] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [58] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [59] HEALPix [60] rHEALPix [61] 3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift [62] Horizontal grid shift [63] Horner polynomial evaluation [64] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [65] Interrupted Goode Homolosine Oceanic View [66] International Map of the World Polyconic [67] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [68] Kavraisky V [69] Kavraisky VII [70] Krovak [71] Laborde [72] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [73] Lagrange [74] Larrivee [75] Laskowski [76] Lat/long (Geodetic) [77] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [78] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [79] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [80] Lambert Conformal Conic [81] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [82] Lambert Equal Area Conic [83] Lee Oblated Stereographic [84] Loximuthal [85] Space oblique for LANDSAT [86] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [87] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [88] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [89] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [90] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [91] Mercator [92] Miller Oblated Stereographic [93] Miller Cylindrical [94] Space oblique for MISR [95] Mollweide [96] Molodensky-Badekas transformation [97] Molodensky transform [98] Murdoch I [99] Murdoch II [100] Murdoch III [101] Natural Earth [102] Natural Earth 2 [103] Nell [104] Nell-Hammer [105] Nicolosi Globular [106] Near-sided perspective [107] New Zealand Map Grid [108] No operation [109] General Oblique Transformation [110] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Oblated Equal Area [112] Oblique Mercator [113] Ortelius Oval [114] Orthographic [115] Perspective Conic [116] Patterson Cylindrical [117] Peirce Quincuncial [118] Transformation pipeline manager [119] Polyconic (American) [120] Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack [121] Save coordinate value on pipeline stack [122] Putnins P1 [123] Putnins P2 [124] Putnins P3 [125] Putnins P3' [126] Putnins P4' [127] Putnins P5 [128] Putnins P5' [129] Putnins P6 [130] Putnins P6' [131] Quartic Authalic [132] Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube [133] Robinson [134] Roussilhe Stereographic [135] Rectangular Polyconic [136] Spherical Cross-track Height [137] Set coordinate value [138] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [139] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [140] Stereographic [141] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [142] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [143] Transverse Central Cylindrical [144] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [145] Times [146] Triangulation based transformation [147] Tissot [148] Transverse Mercator [149] Tobler-Mercator [150] Two Point Equidistant [151] Tilted perspective [152] Unit conversion [153] Universal Polar Stereographic [154] Urmaev V [155] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [156] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [157] van der Grinten (I) [158] van der Grinten II [159] van der Grinten III [160] van der Grinten IV [161] Vitkovsky I [162] Vertical grid shift [163] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [164] Wagner II [165] Wagner III [166] Wagner IV [167] Wagner V [168] Wagner VI [169] Wagner VII [170] Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator [171] Werenskiold I [172] Winkel I [173] Winkel II [174] Winkel Tripel [175] Geocentric grid shift Default: 0
Datum DefinitionchoiceDATUM_DEF-Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0
Latitude 1floating point numberaealat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberaealat_2-Default: 45.000000
Use Guam ellipticalbooleanaeqdguam-Default: 0
Latitude Bfloating point numberairylat_b-Default: 45.000000
No Cutbooleanairyno_cut-Default: 1
Latitude 1floating point numberbonnelat_1-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbercealat_ts-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberchamblat_1-Default: 30.000000
Longitude 1floating point numberchamblon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberchamblat_2-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 2floating point numberchamblon_2-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 3floating point numberchamblat_3-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 3floating point numberchamblon_3-Default: 20.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbereqclat_ts-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbereqdclat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbereqdclat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbereulerlat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbereulerlat_2-Default: 45.000000
Satellite Height [m]floating point numbergeosh-Default: 35785831.000000
Sweep Anglechoicegeossweep-Available Choices: [0] x [1] y Default: 0
mfloating point numbergn_sinum-Default: 0.500000
nfloating point numbergn_sinun-Default: 1.785398
Wfloating point numberhammerW-Default: 0.500000
Mfloating point numberhammerM-Default: 1.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberimw_plat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberimw_plat_2-Default: 45.000000
Azimuthfloating point numberlabrdazi-Default: 19.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberlagrnglat_1-Default: 0.000000
Wfloating point numberlagrngW-Default: 2.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberlcclat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberlcclat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberleaclat_1-Default: 45.000000
Southbooleanleacsouth-Default: 0
Landsat Satellite (1-5)integer numberlsatlsat-Default: 5
Path (1-255/233 1-3/4-5integer numberlsatpath-Default: 195
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbermerclat_ts-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbermurd1lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbermurd1lat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbermurd2lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbermurd2lat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbermurd3lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbermurd3lat_2-Default: 45.000000
Height of view pointfloating point numbernsperh-Default: 1.000000
Latitude Polefloating point numberob_trano_lat_p-Default: 40.000000
Longitude Polefloating point numberob_trano_lon_p-Default: 40.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberocealat_1-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 1floating point numberocealon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberocealat_2-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 2floating point numberocealon_2-Default: 20.000000
mfloating point numberoeam-Default: 1.000000
nfloating point numberoean-Default: 1.000000
thetafloating point numberoeatheta-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberomerclat_1-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 1floating point numberomerclon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberomerclat_2-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 2floating point numberomerclon_2-Default: 20.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberpconiclat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberpconiclat_2-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numberrpolylat_ts-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbersterelat_ts-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbertissotlat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbertissotlat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbertpeqdlat_1-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 1floating point numbertpeqdlon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbertpeqdlat_2-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 2floating point numbertpeqdlon_2-Default: 20.000000
Tiltfloating point numbertperstilt-Default: 45.000000
Azimuthfloating point numbertpersazi-Default: 45.000000
hfloating point numbertpersh-Default: 1000.000000
Southbooleanupssouth-Default: 1
nfloating point numberurm5n-Default: 1.000000
qfloating point numberurm5q-Default: 1.000000
alphifloating point numberurm5alphi-Default: 45.000000
nfloating point numberurmfpsn-Default: 1.000000
Zoneinteger numberutmzone-Default: 32
Southbooleanutmsouth-Default: 0
Latitude 1floating point numbervitk1lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbervitk1lat_2-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numberwag3lat_ts-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numberwink1lat_ts-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberwink2lat_1-Default: 40.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberwintrilat_1-Default: 40.000000
Predefined DatumchoiceDATUM-Available Choices: [0] WGS84 [1] Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987 [2] North American Datum 1983 [3] North American Datum 1927 [4] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] Hermannskogel [7] Ireland 1965 [8] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] Airy 1830 Default: 0
Ellipsoid DefinitionchoiceELLIPSOID-Available Choices: [0] Predefined Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0
Predefined EllipsoidschoiceELLPS_DEF-Available Choices: [0] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, rf=299.3249646) [5] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.25) [6] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [7] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] Andrae 1876 (Denmark, Iceland) (a=6377019.2563, rf=300.0) [10] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [11] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [12] GSK-2011 (a=6378136.5, rf=298.2564151) [13] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [14] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [15] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [16] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [17] Clarke 1880 (IGN). (a=6378249.2, rf=293.4660212936269) [18] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [19] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [20] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [21] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [22] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [23] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [24] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [25] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [26] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [27] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [28] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [29] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [30] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [31] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [32] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [33] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [34] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [35] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [36] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [37] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [38] PZ-90 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.25784) [39] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [40] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [41] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [42] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [43] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [44] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [45] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0
Semimajor Axis (a)floating point numberELLPS_A-Default: 6378137.000000
Semiminor Axis (b)floating point numberELLPS_B-Default: 6356752.314000
Flattening (f)floating point numberELLPS_F-Default: 0.003353
Reciprocal Flattening (rf)floating point numberELLPS_RF-Default: 298.257220
Eccentricity (e)floating point numberELLPS_E-Default: 9004939.287542
Squared Eccentricity (es)floating point numberELLPS_ES-Default: 81088931572313.359375
Datum ShiftchoiceDATUM_SHIFT-Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0
Translation Xfloating point numberDS_DX-Default: 0.000000
Translation Yfloating point numberDS_DY-Default: 0.000000
Translation Zfloating point numberDS_DZ-Default: 0.000000
Rotation Xfloating point numberDS_RX-Default: 0.000000
Rotation Yfloating point numberDS_RY-Default: 0.000000
Rotation Zfloating point numberDS_RZ-Default: 0.000000
Scalingfloating point numberDS_SC-Default: 0.000000
Datum Shift Grid Filefile pathDATUM_GRID--
Central Meridianfloating point numberLON_0-Default: 0.000000
Central Parallelfloating point numberLAT_0-Default: 0.000000
False Eastingfloating point numberX_0-Default: 0.000000
False Northingfloating point numberY_0-Default: 0.000000
Scale Factorfloating point numberK_0-Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000
UnitchoiceUNIT-Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000) [1] Meter (1) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1/39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1
Ignore DefaultsbooleanNO_DEFS-Default: 0
Allow longitudes outside -180 to 180 RangebooleanOVER-Default: 0
Grid systemgrid systemCRS_GRID_GRIDSYSTEM--
Well Known Text Filefile pathCRS_FILE--
Authority Codeinteger numberCRS_EPSG-Default: 4326
AuthoritytextCRS_EPSG_AUTH-Default: EPSG
Geographic Coordinate Systemschoice, GUICRS_EPSG_GEOGCS-Available Choices: [0]
Projected Coordinate Systemschoice, GUICRS_EPSG_PROJCS-Available Choices: [0]
Get CRS Definition from...choice, CMDCRS_METHOD-Available Choices: [0] Proj4 Parameters [1] EPSG Code [2] Well Known Text File Default: 0
Proj4 Parameterslong textCRS_PROJ4-Default: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
Projection TypechoicePROJ_TYPEAvailable Projections: [adams_hemi] Adams Hemisphere in a Square [adams_ws1] Adams World in a Square I [adams_ws2] Adams World in a Square II [aea] Albers Equal Area (lat_1= lat_2=) [aeqd] Azimuthal Equidistant (lat_0 guam) [affine] Affine transformation [airy] Airy (no_cut lat_b=) [aitoff] Aitoff [alsk] Mod. Stereographic of Alaska [apian] Apian Globular I [august] August Epicycloidal [axisswap] Axis ordering [bacon] Bacon Globular [bertin1953] Bertin 1953 [bipc] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [boggs] Boggs Eumorphic [bonne] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) (lat_1=) [calcofi] Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations [cart] Geodetic/cartesian conversions [cass] Cassini [cc] Central Cylindrical [ccon] Central Conic (lat_1=) [cea] Equal Area Cylindrical (lat_ts=) [chamb] Chamberlin Trimetric (lat_1= lon_1= lat_2= lon_2= lat_3= lon_3=) [collg] Collignon [col_urban] Colombia Urban (h_0=) [comill] Compact Miller [crast] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [defmodel] Deformation model [deformation] Kinematic grid shift [denoy] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [eck1] Eckert I [eck2] Eckert II [eck3] Eckert III [eck4] Eckert IV [eck5] Eckert V [eck6] Eckert VI [eqearth] Equal Earth [eqc] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree) (lat_ts=[, lat_0=0]) [eqdc] Equidistant Conic (lat_1= lat_2=) [euler] Euler (lat_1= and lat_2=) [etmerc] Extended Transverse Mercator [fahey] Fahey [fouc] Foucaut [fouc_s] Foucaut Sinusoidal [gall] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [geoc] Geocentric Latitude [geocent] Geocentric [geogoffset] Geographic Offset [geos] Geostationary Satellite View (h=) [gins8] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [gn_sinu] General Sinusoidal Series (m= n=) [gnom] Gnomonic [goode] Goode Homolosine [gs48] Mod. Stereographic of 48 U.S. [gs50] Mod. Stereographic of 50 U.S. [guyou] Guyou [hammer] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff (W= M=) [hatano] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [healpix] HEALPix (rot_xy=) [rhealpix] rHEALPix (north_square= south_square=) [helmert] 3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift [hgridshift] Horizontal grid shift [horner] Horner polynomial evaluation [igh] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [igh_o] Interrupted Goode Homolosine Oceanic View [imw_p] International Map of the World Polyconic (lat_1= and lat_2= [lon_1=]) [isea] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [kav5] Kavraisky V [kav7] Kavraisky VII [krovak] Krovak [labrd] Laborde (Special for Madagascar) [laea] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [lagrng] Lagrange (W=) [larr] Larrivee [lask] Laskowski [lonlat] Lat/long (Geodetic) [latlon] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [latlong] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [longlat] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [lcc] Lambert Conformal Conic (lat_1= and lat_2= or lat_0, k_0=) [lcca] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative (lat_0=) [leac] Lambert Equal Area Conic (lat_1= south) [lee_os] Lee Oblated Stereographic [loxim] Loximuthal [lsat] Space oblique for LANDSAT (lsat= path=) [mbt_s] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [mbt_fps] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [mbtfpp] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [mbtfpq] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [mbtfps] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [merc] Mercator (lat_ts=) [mil_os] Miller Oblated Stereographic [mill] Miller Cylindrical [misrsom] Space oblique for MISR (path=) [moll] Mollweide [molobadekas] Molodensky-Badekas transformation [molodensky] Molodensky transform [murd1] Murdoch I (lat_1= and lat_2=) [murd2] Murdoch II (lat_1= and lat_2=) [murd3] Murdoch III (lat_1= and lat_2=) [natearth] Natural Earth [natearth2] Natural Earth 2 [nell] Nell [nell_h] Nell-Hammer [nicol] Nicolosi Globular [nsper] Near-sided perspective (h=) [nzmg] New Zealand Map Grid [noop] No operation [ob_tran] General Oblique Transformation (o_proj= plus parameters for projection o_lat_p= o_lon_p= (new pole) or o_alpha= o_lon_c= o_lat_c= or o_lon_1= o_lat_1= o_lon_2= o_lat_2=) [ocea] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area (lat_1= lat_2= lon_1= lon_2=) [oea] Oblated Equal Area (n= m= theta=) [omerc] Oblique Mercator (alpha= [gamma=] [no_off] lonc= or lon_1= lat_1= lon_2= lat_2=) [ortel] Ortelius Oval [ortho] Orthographic [pconic] Perspective Conic (lat_1= and lat_2=) [patterson] Patterson Cylindrical [peirce_q] Peirce Quincuncial [pipeline] Transformation pipeline manager [poly] Polyconic (American) [pop] Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack [push] Save coordinate value on pipeline stack [putp1] Putnins P1 [putp2] Putnins P2 [putp3] Putnins P3 [putp3p] Putnins P3' [putp4p] Putnins P4' [putp5] Putnins P5 [putp5p] Putnins P5' [putp6] Putnins P6 [putp6p] Putnins P6' [qua_aut] Quartic Authalic [qsc] Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube [robin] Robinson [rouss] Roussilhe Stereographic [rpoly] Rectangular Polyconic (lat_ts=) [sch] Spherical Cross-track Height (plat_0= plon_0= phdg_0= [h_0=]) [set] Set coordinate value [sinu] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [somerc] Swiss. Obl. Mercator (For CH1903) [stere] Stereographic (lat_ts=) [sterea] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [gstmerc] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) (lat_0= lon_0= k_0=) [tcc] Transverse Central Cylindrical [tcea] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [times] Times [tinshift] Triangulation based transformation [tissot] Tissot (lat_1= and lat_2=) [tmerc] Transverse Mercator (approx) [tobmerc] Tobler-Mercator [tpeqd] Two Point Equidistant (lat_1= lon_1= lat_2= lon_2=) [tpers] Tilted perspective (tilt= azi= h=) [unitconvert] Unit conversion [ups] Universal Polar Stereographic (south) [urm5] Urmaev V (n= q= alpha=) [urmfps] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal (n=) [utm] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) (zone= south approx) [vandg] van der Grinten (I) [vandg2] van der Grinten II [vandg3] van der Grinten III [vandg4] van der Grinten IV [vitk1] Vitkovsky I (lat_1= and lat_2=) [vgridshift] Vertical grid shift [wag1] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [wag2] Wagner II [wag3] Wagner III (lat_ts=) [wag4] Wagner IV [wag5] Wagner V [wag6] Wagner VI [wag7] Wagner VII [webmerc] Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator [weren] Werenskiold I [wink1] Winkel I (lat_ts=) [wink2] Winkel II (lat_1=) [wintri] Winkel Tripel (lat_1) [xyzgridshift] Geocentric grid shiftAvailable Choices: [0] Adams Hemisphere in a Square [1] Adams World in a Square I [2] Adams World in a Square II [3] Albers Equal Area [4] Azimuthal Equidistant [5] Affine transformation [6] Airy [7] Aitoff [8] Mod. Stereographic of Alaska [9] Apian Globular I [10] August Epicycloidal [11] Axis ordering [12] Bacon Globular [13] Bertin 1953 [14] Bipolar conic of western hemisphere [15] Boggs Eumorphic [16] Bonne (Werner lat_1=90) [17] Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations [18] Geodetic/cartesian conversions [19] Cassini [20] Central Cylindrical [21] Central Conic [22] Equal Area Cylindrical [23] Chamberlin Trimetric [24] Collignon [25] Colombia Urban [26] Compact Miller [27] Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4) [28] Deformation model [29] Kinematic grid shift [30] Denoyer Semi-Elliptical [31] Eckert I [32] Eckert II [33] Eckert III [34] Eckert IV [35] Eckert V [36] Eckert VI [37] Equal Earth [38] Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree) [39] Equidistant Conic [40] Euler [41] Extended Transverse Mercator [42] Fahey [43] Foucaut [44] Foucaut Sinusoidal [45] Gall (Gall Stereographic) [46] Geocentric Latitude [47] Geocentric [48] Geographic Offset [49] Geostationary Satellite View [50] Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK) [51] General Sinusoidal Series [52] Gnomonic [53] Goode Homolosine [54] Mod. Stereographic of 48 U.S. [55] Mod. Stereographic of 50 U.S. [56] Guyou [57] Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff [58] Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area [59] HEALPix [60] rHEALPix [61] 3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift [62] Horizontal grid shift [63] Horner polynomial evaluation [64] Interrupted Goode Homolosine [65] Interrupted Goode Homolosine Oceanic View [66] International Map of the World Polyconic [67] Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area [68] Kavraisky V [69] Kavraisky VII [70] Krovak [71] Laborde [72] Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area [73] Lagrange [74] Larrivee [75] Laskowski [76] Lat/long (Geodetic) [77] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [78] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [79] Lat/long (Geodetic alias) [80] Lambert Conformal Conic [81] Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative [82] Lambert Equal Area Conic [83] Lee Oblated Stereographic [84] Loximuthal [85] Space oblique for LANDSAT [86] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1) [87] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2) [88] McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic [89] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic [90] McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [91] Mercator [92] Miller Oblated Stereographic [93] Miller Cylindrical [94] Space oblique for MISR [95] Mollweide [96] Molodensky-Badekas transformation [97] Molodensky transform [98] Murdoch I [99] Murdoch II [100] Murdoch III [101] Natural Earth [102] Natural Earth 2 [103] Nell [104] Nell-Hammer [105] Nicolosi Globular [106] Near-sided perspective [107] New Zealand Map Grid [108] No operation [109] General Oblique Transformation [110] Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area [111] Oblated Equal Area [112] Oblique Mercator [113] Ortelius Oval [114] Orthographic [115] Perspective Conic [116] Patterson Cylindrical [117] Peirce Quincuncial [118] Transformation pipeline manager [119] Polyconic (American) [120] Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack [121] Save coordinate value on pipeline stack [122] Putnins P1 [123] Putnins P2 [124] Putnins P3 [125] Putnins P3' [126] Putnins P4' [127] Putnins P5 [128] Putnins P5' [129] Putnins P6 [130] Putnins P6' [131] Quartic Authalic [132] Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube [133] Robinson [134] Roussilhe Stereographic [135] Rectangular Polyconic [136] Spherical Cross-track Height [137] Set coordinate value [138] Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed) [139] Swiss. Obl. Mercator [140] Stereographic [141] Oblique Stereographic Alternative [142] Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion) [143] Transverse Central Cylindrical [144] Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area [145] Times [146] Triangulation based transformation [147] Tissot [148] Transverse Mercator [149] Tobler-Mercator [150] Two Point Equidistant [151] Tilted perspective [152] Unit conversion [153] Universal Polar Stereographic [154] Urmaev V [155] Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal [156] Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) [157] van der Grinten (I) [158] van der Grinten II [159] van der Grinten III [160] van der Grinten IV [161] Vitkovsky I [162] Vertical grid shift [163] Wagner I (Kavraisky VI) [164] Wagner II [165] Wagner III [166] Wagner IV [167] Wagner V [168] Wagner VI [169] Wagner VII [170] Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator [171] Werenskiold I [172] Winkel I [173] Winkel II [174] Winkel Tripel [175] Geocentric grid shift Default: 0
Datum DefinitionchoiceDATUM_DEF-Available Choices: [0] Predefined Datum [1] User Defined Datum Default: 0
Latitude 1floating point numberaealat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberaealat_2-Default: 45.000000
Use Guam ellipticalbooleanaeqdguam-Default: 0
Latitude Bfloating point numberairylat_b-Default: 45.000000
No Cutbooleanairyno_cut-Default: 1
Latitude 1floating point numberbonnelat_1-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbercealat_ts-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberchamblat_1-Default: 30.000000
Longitude 1floating point numberchamblon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberchamblat_2-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 2floating point numberchamblon_2-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 3floating point numberchamblat_3-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 3floating point numberchamblon_3-Default: 20.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbereqclat_ts-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbereqdclat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbereqdclat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbereulerlat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbereulerlat_2-Default: 45.000000
Satellite Height [m]floating point numbergeosh-Default: 35785831.000000
Sweep Anglechoicegeossweep-Available Choices: [0] x [1] y Default: 0
mfloating point numbergn_sinum-Default: 0.500000
nfloating point numbergn_sinun-Default: 1.785398
Wfloating point numberhammerW-Default: 0.500000
Mfloating point numberhammerM-Default: 1.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberimw_plat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberimw_plat_2-Default: 45.000000
Azimuthfloating point numberlabrdazi-Default: 19.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberlagrnglat_1-Default: 0.000000
Wfloating point numberlagrngW-Default: 2.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberlcclat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberlcclat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberleaclat_1-Default: 45.000000
Southbooleanleacsouth-Default: 0
Landsat Satellite (1-5)integer numberlsatlsat-Default: 5
Path (1-255/233 1-3/4-5integer numberlsatpath-Default: 195
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbermerclat_ts-Default: 0.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbermurd1lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbermurd1lat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbermurd2lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbermurd2lat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbermurd3lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbermurd3lat_2-Default: 45.000000
Height of view pointfloating point numbernsperh-Default: 1.000000
Latitude Polefloating point numberob_trano_lat_p-Default: 40.000000
Longitude Polefloating point numberob_trano_lon_p-Default: 40.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberocealat_1-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 1floating point numberocealon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberocealat_2-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 2floating point numberocealon_2-Default: 20.000000
mfloating point numberoeam-Default: 1.000000
nfloating point numberoean-Default: 1.000000
thetafloating point numberoeatheta-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberomerclat_1-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 1floating point numberomerclon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberomerclat_2-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 2floating point numberomerclon_2-Default: 20.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberpconiclat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numberpconiclat_2-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numberrpolylat_ts-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numbersterelat_ts-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbertissotlat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbertissotlat_2-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numbertpeqdlat_1-Default: 40.000000
Longitude 1floating point numbertpeqdlon_1-Default: -20.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbertpeqdlat_2-Default: 50.000000
Longitude 2floating point numbertpeqdlon_2-Default: 20.000000
Tiltfloating point numbertperstilt-Default: 45.000000
Azimuthfloating point numbertpersazi-Default: 45.000000
hfloating point numbertpersh-Default: 1000.000000
Southbooleanupssouth-Default: 1
nfloating point numberurm5n-Default: 1.000000
qfloating point numberurm5q-Default: 1.000000
alphifloating point numberurm5alphi-Default: 45.000000
nfloating point numberurmfpsn-Default: 1.000000
Zoneinteger numberutmzone-Default: 32
Southbooleanutmsouth-Default: 0
Latitude 1floating point numbervitk1lat_1-Default: 33.000000
Latitude 2floating point numbervitk1lat_2-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numberwag3lat_ts-Default: 45.000000
True Scale Latitudefloating point numberwink1lat_ts-Default: 45.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberwink2lat_1-Default: 40.000000
Latitude 1floating point numberwintrilat_1-Default: 40.000000
Predefined DatumchoiceDATUM-Available Choices: [0] WGS84 [1] Greek Geodetic Reference System 1987 [2] North American Datum 1983 [3] North American Datum 1927 [4] Potsdam Rauenberg 1950 DHDN [5] Carthage 1934 Tunisia [6] Hermannskogel [7] Ireland 1965 [8] New Zealand Geodetic Datum 1949 [9] Airy 1830 Default: 0
Ellipsoid DefinitionchoiceELLIPSOID-Available Choices: [0] Predefined Ellipsoids [1] Semimajor Axis and Semiminor Axis [2] Semimajor Axis and Flattening [3] Semimajor Axis and Reciprocal Flattening [4] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity [5] Semimajor Axis and Eccentricity Squared Default: 0
Predefined EllipsoidschoiceELLPS_DEF-Available Choices: [0] MERIT 1983 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257) [1] Soviet Geodetic System 85 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.257) [2] GRS 1980(IUGG, 1980) (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257222101) [3] IAU 1976 (a=6378140.0, rf=298.257) [4] Airy 1830 (a=6377563.396, rf=299.3249646) [5] Appl. Physics. 1965 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.25) [6] Naval Weapons Lab., 1965 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [7] Modified Airy (a=6377340.189, b=6356034.446) [8] Andrae 1876 (Den., Iclnd.) (a=6377104.43, rf=300.0) [9] Andrae 1876 (Denmark, Iceland) (a=6377019.2563, rf=300.0) [10] Australian Natl & S. Amer. 1969 (a=6378160.0, rf=298.25) [11] GRS 67(IUGG 1967) (a=6378160.0, rf=298.2471674270) [12] GSK-2011 (a=6378136.5, rf=298.2564151) [13] Bessel 1841 (a=6377397.155, rf=299.1528128) [14] Bessel 1841 (Namibia) (a=6377483.865, rf=299.1528128) [15] Clarke 1866 (a=6378206.4, b=6356583.8) [16] Clarke 1880 mod. (a=6378249.145, rf=293.4663) [17] Clarke 1880 (IGN). (a=6378249.2, rf=293.4660212936269) [18] Comm. des Poids et Mesures 1799 (a=6375738.7, rf=334.29) [19] Delambre 1810 (Belgium) (a=6376428., rf=311.5) [20] Engelis 1985 (a=6378136.05, rf=298.2566) [21] Everest 1830 (a=6377276.345, rf=300.8017) [22] Everest 1948 (a=6377304.063, rf=300.8017) [23] Everest 1956 (a=6377301.243, rf=300.8017) [24] Everest 1969 (a=6377295.664, rf=300.8017) [25] Everest (Sabah & Sarawak) (a=6377298.556, rf=300.8017) [26] Fischer (Mercury Datum) 1960 (a=6378166., rf=298.3) [27] Modified Fischer 1960 (a=6378155., rf=298.3) [28] Fischer 1968 (a=6378150., rf=298.3) [29] Helmert 1906 (a=6378200., rf=298.3) [30] Hough (a=6378270.0, rf=297.) [31] International 1909 (Hayford) (a=6378388.0, rf=297.) [32] Krassovsky, 1942 (a=6378245.0, rf=298.3) [33] Kaula 1961 (a=6378163., rf=298.24) [34] Lerch 1979 (a=6378139., rf=298.257) [35] Maupertius 1738 (a=6397300., rf=191.) [36] New International 1967 (a=6378157.5, b=6356772.2) [37] Plessis 1817 (France) (a=6376523., b=6355863.) [38] PZ-90 (a=6378136.0, rf=298.25784) [39] Southeast Asia (a=6378155.0, b=6356773.3205) [40] Walbeck (a=6376896.0, b=6355834.8467) [41] WGS 60 (a=6378165.0, rf=298.3) [42] WGS 66 (a=6378145.0, rf=298.25) [43] WGS 72 (a=6378135.0, rf=298.26) [44] WGS 84 (a=6378137.0, rf=298.257223563) [45] Normal Sphere (r=6370997) (a=6370997.0, b=6370997.0) Default: 0
Semimajor Axis (a)floating point numberELLPS_A-Default: 6378137.000000
Semiminor Axis (b)floating point numberELLPS_B-Default: 6356752.314000
Flattening (f)floating point numberELLPS_F-Default: 0.003353
Reciprocal Flattening (rf)floating point numberELLPS_RF-Default: 298.257220
Eccentricity (e)floating point numberELLPS_E-Default: 9004939.287542
Squared Eccentricity (es)floating point numberELLPS_ES-Default: 81088931572313.359375
Datum ShiftchoiceDATUM_SHIFT-Available Choices: [0] none [1] 3 parameters (translation only) [2] 7 parameters [3] Datum Shift Grid Default: 0
Translation Xfloating point numberDS_DX-Default: 0.000000
Translation Yfloating point numberDS_DY-Default: 0.000000
Translation Zfloating point numberDS_DZ-Default: 0.000000
Rotation Xfloating point numberDS_RX-Default: 0.000000
Rotation Yfloating point numberDS_RY-Default: 0.000000
Rotation Zfloating point numberDS_RZ-Default: 0.000000
Scalingfloating point numberDS_SC-Default: 0.000000
Datum Shift Grid Filefile pathDATUM_GRID--
Central Meridianfloating point numberLON_0-Default: 0.000000
Central Parallelfloating point numberLAT_0-Default: 0.000000
False Eastingfloating point numberX_0-Default: 0.000000
False Northingfloating point numberY_0-Default: 0.000000
Scale Factorfloating point numberK_0-Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000
UnitchoiceUNIT-Available Choices: [0] Kilometer (1000) [1] Meter (1) [2] Decimeter (1/10) [3] Centimeter (1/100) [4] Millimeter (1/1000) [5] International Nautical Mile (1852) [6] International Inch (0.0254) [7] International Foot (0.3048) [8] International Yard (0.9144) [9] International Statute Mile (1609.344) [10] International Fathom (1.8288) [11] International Chain (20.1168) [12] International Link (0.201168) [13] U.S. Surveyor's Inch (1/39.37) [14] U.S. Surveyor's Foot (0.304800609601219) [15] U.S. Surveyor's Yard (0.914401828803658) [16] U.S. Surveyor's Chain (20.11684023368047) [17] U.S. Surveyor's Statute Mile (1609.347218694437) [18] Indian Yard (0.91439523) [19] Indian Foot (0.30479841) [20] Indian Chain (20.11669506) Default: 1
Ignore DefaultsbooleanNO_DEFS-Default: 0
Allow longitudes outside -180 to 180 RangebooleanOVER-Default: 0
Grid systemgrid systemCRS_GRID_GRIDSYSTEM--
Well Known Text Filefile pathCRS_FILE--
Authority Codeinteger numberCRS_EPSG-Default: 4326
AuthoritytextCRS_EPSG_AUTH-Default: EPSG
Geographic Coordinate Systemschoice, GUICRS_EPSG_GEOGCS-Available Choices: [0]
Projected Coordinate Systemschoice, GUICRS_EPSG_PROJCS-Available Choices: [0]

Command Line

  -TABLE:                   	Table
	table, input
  -SOURCE_X:                	X Coordinate Source
	table field
  -SOURCE_Y:                	Y Coordinate Source
	table field
  -TARGET_X:                	Projected X Coordinates
	table field
  -TARGET_Y:                	Projected Y Coordinates
	table field
  -SOURCE_CRS_CRS_METHOD:   	Get CRS Definition from...
	choice, CMD
	Available Choices:
	[0] Proj4 Parameters
	[1] EPSG Code
	[2] Well Known Text File
	Default: 0
  -SOURCE_CRS_CRS_PROJ4:    	Proj4 Parameters
	long text
	Default: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
  -SOURCE_CRS_CRS_FILE:     	Well Known Text File
	file path
  -SOURCE_CRS_CRS_EPSG:     	Authority Code
	integer number
	Default: 4326
	Default: EPSG
  -TARGET_CRS_CRS_METHOD:   	Get CRS Definition from...
	choice, CMD
	Available Choices:
	[0] Proj4 Parameters
	[1] EPSG Code
	[2] Well Known Text File
	Default: 0
  -TARGET_CRS_CRS_PROJ4:    	Proj4 Parameters
	long text
	Default: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs 
  -TARGET_CRS_CRS_FILE:     	Well Known Text File
	file path
  -TARGET_CRS_CRS_EPSG:     	Authority Code
	integer number
	Default: 4326
	Default: EPSG