SAGA 9.3.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Point Cloud Cutter


This tool allows one to extract subsets from one or several point cloud datasets. The area-of-interest is interactively defined either by dragging a box or by digitizing a polygon. Best practice is to display the point cloud in a new Map View first and then execute the tool. Use the Action tool to define the Area of Interest (AOI).


InputPointspoint cloud list, inputPOINTSOne or several input point cloud datasets to cut.-
OutputCutpoint cloud list, outputCUTThe cutted output point cloud dataset(s).-
Area of Interestshapes, output, optionalAOISHAPE--
OptionsDefine Area of Interest by ...choiceAOI-Available Choices: [0] dragging a box [1] digitzing a polygon Default: 0
InversebooleanINVERSEInvert selection.Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd pointcloud_tools 1 [-POINTS ] [-CUT ] [-AOI ] [-AOISHAPE ] [-INVERSE ]
  -POINTS:  	Points
	point cloud list, input
  -CUT:     	Cut
	point cloud list, output
  -AOI:     	Define Area of Interest by ...
	Available Choices:
	[0] dragging a box
	[1] digitzing a polygon
	Default: 0
  -AOISHAPE:	Area of Interest
	shapes, output, optional
  -INVERSE: 	Inverse
	Default: 0