SAGA 9.3.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Flow Accumulation (Top-Down)


Top-down processing of cells for calculation of flow accumulation and related parameters. This set of algorithms processes a DEM downwards from the highest to the lowest cell. Flow routing methods provided by this tool:



InputElevationgrid, inputELEVATION--
Sink Routesgrid, input, optionalSINKROUTE--
Weightsgrid, input, optionalWEIGHTS--
Input for Mean over Catchmentgrid, input, optionalVAL_INPUT--
Material for Accumulationgrid, input, optionalACCU_MATERIAL--
Accumulation Targetgrid, inputACCU_TARGET--
Linear Flow Threshold Gridgrid, input, optionalLINEAR_VALoptional grid providing values to be compared with linear flow threshold instead of flow accumulation-
Channel Directiongrid, input, optionalLINEAR_DIRuse this for (linear) flow routing, if the value is a valid direction (0-7 = N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)-
OutputFlow Accumulationgrid, outputFLOW--
Mean over Catchmentgrid, outputVAL_MEAN--
Accumulated Materialgrid, output, optionalACCU_TOTAL--
Accumulated Material (Left Side)grid, output, optionalACCU_LEFT--
Accumulated Material (Right Side)grid, output, optionalACCU_RIGHT--
Flow Path Lengthgrid, output, optionalFLOW_LENGTHaverage distance that a cell's accumulated flow travelled-
Loss through Negative Weightsgrid, output, optionalWEIGHT_LOSSwhen using weights without support for negative flow: output of the absolute amount of negative flow that occurred-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Stepinteger numberSTEPFor testing purposes. Only generate flow at cells with step distance (each step row/column).Minimum: 1 Default: 1
Flow Accumulation UnitchoiceFLOW_UNIT-Available Choices: [0] number of cells [1] cell area Default: 1
MethodchoiceMETHOD-Available Choices: [0] Deterministic 8 [1] Rho 8 [2] Braunschweiger Reliefmodell [3] Deterministic Infinity [4] Multiple Flow Direction [5] Multiple Triangular Flow Directon [6] Multiple Maximum Downslope Gradient Based Flow Directon Default: 4
Thresholded Linear FlowbooleanLINEAR_DOapply linear flow routing (D8) to all cells, having a flow accumulation greater than the specified thresholdDefault: 0
Linear Flow Thresholdinteger numberLINEAR_MINflow accumulation threshold (cells) for linear flow routingMinimum: 0 Default: 500
Convergencefloating point numberCONVERGENCEConvergence factor for Multiple Flow Direction Algorithm (Freeman 1991). Applies also to the Multiple Triangular Flow Directon Algorithm.Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 1.100000
Contour LengthbooleanMFD_CONTOURInclude (pseudo) contour length as additional weighting factor in multiple flow direction routing, reduces flow to diagonal neighbour cells by a factor of 0.71 (s. Quinn et al. 1991 for details).Default: 0
Prevent Negative Flow AccumulationbooleanNO_NEGATIVESwhen using weights: do not transport negative flow, set it to zero instead; useful e.g. when accumulating measures of water balance.Default: 1

Command Line

  -ELEVATION:     	Elevation
	grid, input
  -SINKROUTE:     	Sink Routes
	grid, input, optional
  -WEIGHTS:       	Weights
	grid, input, optional
  -FLOW:          	Flow Accumulation
	grid, output
  -VAL_INPUT:     	Input for Mean over Catchment
	grid, input, optional
  -VAL_MEAN:      	Mean over Catchment
	grid, output
  -ACCU_MATERIAL: 	Material for Accumulation
	grid, input, optional
  -ACCU_TARGET:   	Accumulation Target
	grid, input
  -ACCU_TOTAL:    	Accumulated Material
	grid, output, optional
  -ACCU_LEFT:     	Accumulated Material (Left Side)
	grid, output, optional
  -ACCU_RIGHT:    	Accumulated Material (Right Side)
	grid, output, optional
  -STEP:          	Step
	integer number
	Minimum: 1
	Default: 1
  -FLOW_UNIT:     	Flow Accumulation Unit
	Available Choices:
	[0] number of cells
	[1] cell area
	Default: 1
  -FLOW_LENGTH:   	Flow Path Length
	grid, output, optional
  -LINEAR_VAL:    	Linear Flow Threshold Grid
	grid, input, optional
  -LINEAR_DIR:    	Channel Direction
	grid, input, optional
  -WEIGHT_LOSS:   	Loss through Negative Weights
	grid, output, optional
  -METHOD:        	Method
	Available Choices:
	[0] Deterministic 8
	[1] Rho 8
	[2] Braunschweiger Reliefmodell
	[3] Deterministic Infinity
	[4] Multiple Flow Direction
	[5] Multiple Triangular Flow Directon
	[6] Multiple Maximum Downslope Gradient Based Flow Directon
	Default: 4
  -LINEAR_DO:     	Thresholded Linear Flow
	Default: 0
  -LINEAR_MIN:    	Linear Flow Threshold
	integer number
	Minimum: 0
	Default: 500
  -CONVERGENCE:	Convergence
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.001000
	Default: 1.100000
  -MFD_CONTOUR:   	Contour Length
	Default: 0
  -NO_NEGATIVES:  	Prevent Negative Flow Accumulation
	Default: 1