SAGA 9.3.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Flow Path Profile


Create interactively flow path profiles from a grid based DEM Use a left mouse button click to create a flow profile starting from the clicked point.


InputElevationgrid, inputDEM--
Valuesgrid list, input, optionalVALUESAdditional values to be collected along profile.-
OutputProfile Pointsshapes, outputPOINTS--
Profile Lineshapes, outputLINE--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Show Diagramboolean, GUIDIAGRAM-Default: 1

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd ta_profiles 1 [-DEM ] [-VALUES ] [-POINTS ] [-LINE ]
  -DEM:   	Elevation
	grid, input
  -VALUES:	Values
	grid list, input, optional
  -POINTS:	Profile Points
	shapes, output
  -LINE:  	Profile Line
	shapes, output