SAGA 9.3.3 | Tool Library Documentation

Sieve and Clump


Combines the tools 'Sieve Classes' to remove small patches and 'Shrink and Expand' to close the gaps created by sieving classes.


InputClassesgrid, inputCLASSES--
OutputSieve and Clumpgrid, outputFILTERED--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemGRID_SYSTEM--
FilterchoiceMODE-Available Choices: [0] Neumann [1] Moore Default: 0
Sieving Thresholdinteger numberSIEVE-Default: 2
Maximum Expansion Distanceinteger numberEXPAND-Default: 4

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter sieve_and_clump [-CLASSES ] [-FILTERED ] [-MODE ] [-SIEVE ] [-EXPAND ]
  -CLASSES: 	Classes
	grid, input
  -FILTERED:	Sieve and Clump
	grid, output
  -MODE:    	Filter
	Available Choices:
	[0] Neumann
	[1] Moore
	Default: 0
  -SIEVE:   	Sieving Threshold
	integer number
	Default: 2
  -EXPAND:  	Maximum Expansion Distance
	integer number
	Default: 4