Geographic Coordinate Grids
- Author: O.Conrad (c) 2014
- Menu: Projection | Tools
Creates for a given grid geographic coordinate information, i.e. two grids specifying the longitude and latitude for each cell. The coordinate system of the input grid has to be defined.
Projection routines make use of the PROJ generic coordinate transformation software.
PROJ Version is 9.4.1
PROJ Homepage
| Name | Type | Identifier | Description | Constraints |
Input | Grid | grid, input | GRID | - | - |
Output | Longitude | grid, output | LON | - | - |
Latitude | grid, output | LAT | - | - |
Options | Grid System | grid system | PARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM | - | - |
Command Line
Usage: saga_cmd pj_proj4 17 [-GRID ] [-LON ] [-LAT ]
-GRID: Grid
grid, input
-LON: Longitude
grid, output
-LAT: Latitude
grid, output