SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Thermic Belt Classification


Calculates the thermal belts based on mean temperature and length of the growing season.



InputGrowing Season Lengthgrid, inputGSLGrowing season length given as number of days of a year.-
Mean Temperaturegrid, inputGSTMean temperature of the growing season.-
Frost occurrencegrid, inputFROSTFrost occurrence as binary factor.-
OutputThermal Beltsgrid, outputATB--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Minimum Temperature Nivalfloating point numberNIVAL_TEMPMinimum Temperature for nival belt.Default: 3.500000
Minimum Temperature Treelinefloating point numberTREE_TEMPMinimum Temperature for treeline.Default: 6.400000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd climate_tools 15 [-GSL ] [-GST ] [-FROST ] [-NIVAL_TEMP ] [-TREE_TEMP ] [-ATB ]
  -GSL:          	Growing Season Length
	grid, input
  -GST:          	Mean Temperature
	grid, input
  -FROST:        	Frost occurrence
	grid, input
  -NIVAL_TEMP:	Minimum Temperature Nival
	floating point number
	Default: 3.500000
  -TREE_TEMP: 	Minimum Temperature Treeline
	floating point number
	Default: 6.400000
  -ATB:          	Thermal Belts
	grid, output