SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Least Cost Paths


This tool allows one to compute least cost path profile(s). It takes an accumulated cost surface grid and a point shapefile as input. Each point in the shapefile represents a source for which the least cost path is calculated. In case the point shapefile has more than one source point defined, a separate least cost path is calculated for each point. The tool outputs a point and a line shapefile for each least cost path. The tool allows for optional input grids. The cell values of these grids along the least cost path are written to the outputs as additional table fields.


InputSource Point(s)shapes, inputSOURCEPoint shapefile with source point(s)-
Accumulated Cost Surfacegrid, inputDEM--
Valuesgrid list, input, optionalVALUESAllows writing cell values from additional grids to the output-
OutputProfile Pointsshapes list, outputPOINTSLeast cost path profile points-
Profile Linesshapes list, outputLINELeast cost path profile lines-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd grid_analysis 5 [-SOURCE ] [-DEM ] [-VALUES ] [-POINTS ] [-LINE ]
  -SOURCE:	Source Point(s)
	shapes, input
  -DEM:   	Accumulated Cost Surface
	grid, input
  -VALUES:	Values
	grid list, input, optional
  -POINTS:	Profile Points
	shapes list, output
  -LINE:  	Profile Lines
	shapes list, output