SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Geodesic Morphological Reconstruction


Geodesic morphological reconstruction according to Vincent (1993). Here we use the algorithm on p. 194: Computing of Regional Maxima and Breadth-first Scanning. A marker is derived from the input grid by subtracting a constant shift value. Optionally, the shift value can be set to zero at the border of the grid ("Preserve 1px border Yes/No" parameter). The final result is a grid showing the difference between the input image and the morphological reconstruction of the marker under the input image. If the Option "Create a binary mask" is selected, the difference grid is thresholded with provided threshold value to create a binary image of maxima regions.



InputInput Gridgrid, inputINPUT_GRIDInput for the morphological reconstruction-
OutputMorphological Reconstructiongrid, outputDIFFERENCE_GRIDReconstruction, difference to input grid.-
Objectsgrid, output, optionalOBJECT_GRIDBinary object mask-
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Shift Valuefloating point numberSHIFT_VALUE-Default: 5.000000
Preserve 1px borderbooleanBORDER_YES_NO-Default: 1
Thresholdfloating point numberTHRESHOLDThreshold for object identification.Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 1.000000

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd grid_filter 12 [-INPUT_GRID ] [-DIFFERENCE_GRID ] [-OBJECT_GRID ] [-SHIFT_VALUE ] [-BORDER_YES_NO ] [-THRESHOLD ]
  -INPUT_GRID:     	Input Grid
	grid, input
  -DIFFERENCE_GRID:	Morphological Reconstruction
	grid, output
  -OBJECT_GRID:    	Objects
	grid, output, optional
  -SHIFT_VALUE: 	Shift Value
	floating point number
	Default: 5.000000
  -BORDER_YES_NO:  	Preserve 1px border
	Default: 1
  -THRESHOLD:   	Threshold
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 1.000000