SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Select Look-up Table for Grid Visualization


Select a look-up table for visual classification of a grid. Useful in combination with tool chains.


InputGridgrid, inputGRID--
Look-up Tabletable, inputLUT--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Nametable fieldNAME--
Valuetable fieldVALUE--
Value (Range Maximum)table fieldVALUE_MAX--
Descriptiontable fieldDESCRIPTION--
Colortable fieldCOLOR--

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd grid_visualisation 10 [-GRID ] [-LUT ] [-NAME ] [-VALUE ] [-VALUE_MAX ] [-DESCRIPTION ] [-COLOR ]
  -GRID:       	Grid
	grid, input
  -LUT:        	Look-up Table
	table, input
  -NAME:       	Name
	table field
  -VALUE:      	Value
	table field
  -VALUE_MAX:  	Value (Range Maximum)
	table field
  -DESCRIPTION:	Description
	table field
  -COLOR:      	Color
	table field