SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Import ESRI E00 File


Import data sets from ESRI's E00 interchange format. This import filter is based on the E00 format analysis of the GRASS GIS tool '' written by Michel J. Wurtz. Go to the GRASS GIS Hompage for more information. The 'E00Compr' library written by Daniel Morissette has been used for e00 file access, so that compressed e00 files also can be read.


OutputTablestable list, output, optionalTABLES--
Shapesshapes list, output, optionalSHAPES--
Gridsgrid list, output, optionalGRIDS--
OptionsFilefile pathFILE--
Import ExtentsbooleanBBND-Default: 0
Import Tick PointsbooleanBTIC-Default: 0
Import TablesbooleanBTABLES-Default: 0

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd io_esri_e00 0 [-TABLES ] [-SHAPES ] [-GRIDS ] [-FILE ] [-BBND ] [-BTIC ] [-BTABLES ]
  -TABLES: 	Tables
	table list, output, optional
  -SHAPES: 	Shapes
	shapes list, output, optional
  -GRIDS:  	Grids
	grid list, output, optional
  -FILE:   	File
	file path
  -BBND:   	Import Extents
	Default: 0
  -BTIC:   	Import Tick Points
	Default: 0
  -BTABLES:	Import Tables
	Default: 0