SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Export to Image File


With this tool you can save a RGB to an image file. Optionally, a shade RGB can be overlaid using the specified transparency and brightness adjustment. If input rasters come with geographic coordinates an additionaloption for KML file creation (Google Earth) is selectable.


InputGRIDgrid, inputGRID--
Shadegrid, input, optionalSHADE--
OptionsGrid Systemgrid systemPARAMETERS_GRID_SYSTEM--
Image Filefile pathFILE--
Create World FilebooleanFILE_WORLDStore georeference along image to an additional file.Default: 1
Create KML FilebooleanFILE_KMLExpects that the input RGB uses geographic coordinates.Default: 0
Set Transparency for No-DatabooleanNO_DATA-Default: 1
No-Data ColorcolorNO_DATA_COL-Default: 16777215
ColoringchoiceCOLOURING-Available Choices: [0] histogram stretch to standard deviation [1] histogram stretch to percentage range [2] histogram stretch to value range [3] lookup table [4] rgb coded values Default: 0
Number of Colorsinteger numberCOL_COUNT-Default: 100
Revert PalettebooleanCOL_REVERT-Default: 0
Colors PalettecolorsCOL_PALETTE--
Color Depthinteger numberCOL_DEPTHNumber of color entries used when storing GIF.Minimum: 2 Maximum: 256 Default: 236
Graduated ColorsbooleanGRADUATED-Default: 1
Standard Deviationfloating point numberSTDDEV-Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000
Percentage Rangevalue rangeLINEAR--
Value Rangevalue rangeSTRETCH--
ScalingchoiceSCALE_MODEScaling applied to coloring choices (i) RGB's standard deviation, (ii) RGB's value range, (iii) specified value rangeAvailable Choices: [0] linear intervals [1] increasing geometrical intervals [2] decreasing geometrical intervals Default: 0
Geometrical Interval Factorfloating point numberSCALE_LOG-Minimum: 0.001000 Default: 10.000000
Lookup Tablestatic tableLUT-5 Fields: - 1. [color] Color - 2. [string] Name - 3. [string] Description - 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum - 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum
Transparencyfloating point numberSHADE_TRANSThe transparency of the shade [%]Minimum: 0.000000 Maximum: 100.000000 Default: 75.000000
Histogram StretchchoiceSHADE_COLOURING-Available Choices: [0] Linear [1] Standard Deviation Default: 0
Linearvalue rangeSHADE_BRIGHTMinimum and maximum [%], the range for histogram stretch.-
Standard Deviationfloating point numberSHADE_STDDEV-Minimum: 0.000000 Default: 2.000000

Command Line

  -GRID:               	GRID
	grid, input
  -SHADE:              	Shade
	grid, input, optional
  -FILE:               	Image File
	file path
  -FILE_WORLD:         	Create World File
	Default: 1
  -FILE_KML:           	Create KML File
	Default: 0
  -NO_DATA:            	Set Transparency for No-Data
	Default: 1
  -NO_DATA_COL:        	No-Data Color
	Default: 16777215
  -COLOURING:          	Coloring
	Available Choices:
	[0] histogram stretch to standard deviation
	[1] histogram stretch to percentage range
	[2] histogram stretch to value range
	[3] lookup table
	[4] rgb coded values
	Default: 0
  -COL_COUNT:          	Number of Colors
	integer number
	Default: 100
  -COL_REVERT:         	Revert Palette
	Default: 0
  -COL_PALETTE:        	Colors Palette
  -COL_DEPTH:          	Color Depth
	integer number
	Minimum: 2
	Maximum: 256
	Default: 236
  -GRADUATED:          	Graduated Colors
	Default: 1
  -STDDEV:          	Standard Deviation
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 2.000000
  -LINEAR_MIN:      	Percentage Range
	value range
  -LINEAR_MAX:      	Percentage Range
	value range
  -STRETCH_MIN:     	Value Range
	value range
  -STRETCH_MAX:     	Value Range
	value range
  -SCALE_MODE:         	Scaling
	Available Choices:
	[0] linear intervals
	[1] increasing geometrical intervals
	[2] decreasing geometrical intervals
	Default: 0
  -SCALE_LOG:       	Geometrical Interval Factor
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.001000
	Default: 10.000000
  -LUT:                	Lookup Table
	static table
	5 Fields:
	- 1. [color] Color
	- 2. [string] Name
	- 3. [string] Description
	- 4. [8 byte floating point number] Minimum
	- 5. [8 byte floating point number] Maximum
  -SHADE_TRANS:     	Transparency
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Maximum: 100.000000
	Default: 75.000000
  -SHADE_COLOURING:    	Histogram Stretch
	Available Choices:
	[0] Linear
	[1] Standard Deviation
	Default: 0
	value range
	value range
  -SHADE_STDDEV:    	Standard Deviation
	floating point number
	Minimum: 0.000000
	Default: 2.000000