SAGA 9.7.0 | Tool Library Documentation

Export GPX


Exports vector data points to GPS eXchange format GPX. References: The GPS Exchange Format


InputShapesshapes, inputSHAPES--
OptionsFilefile pathFILE--
Elevationtable fieldELE--
Nametable fieldNAME--
Commenttable fieldCMT--
Descriptiontable fieldDESC--

Command Line

Usage: saga_cmd io_shapes 14 [-SHAPES ] [-FILE ] [-ELE ] [-NAME ] [-CMT ] [-DESC ]
  -SHAPES:	Shapes
	shapes, input
  -FILE:  	File
	file path
  -ELE:   	Elevation
	table field
  -NAME:  	Name
	table field
  -CMT:   	Comment
	table field
  -DESC:  	Description
	table field